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foot surgery


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My baby grey had to have 2 toes amputated. Now she won't use her foot at all. She don't want to be touched. She won't climb, perch nothing. She just sits on the bottom of her cage. Is there anything I can do for her. She was at a bird boarder when she got hurt. Please any advise Help!

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Hi Jessica


Sorry to hear about your baby getting hurt. When did she have the toes amputated? She might still be in pain or drowsy from anesthetic.


You could probably help for the first few days by moving her perches and food and water closer to the bottom of the cage. Also putting a towel at the bottom of the cage so if she tries to perch and falls she does hurt herself. When birds are sick or in pain they loose heat really fast so it might be an idea to get her somewhere warm


I'm not an expert but this is all advise that Ive read previously. The best person to ask would probably be an avian vet.


I hope your baby gets better soon

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Hello Jessica and welcome to the Forum!!


Lupa gave good advice and asked some very important questions regarding when the amputation took place.


If it was recently, your baby is in in pain, shock of not having the balance it once had and also highly disturbed from whatever it was that caused this harm to her foot resulting in the amputation of 2 toes. That poor baby has been through the mill.


I can not imagine her having any desire to try and climb or perch. First the pain needs to go away. Then she will slowly figure out how to overcome the handicap she now has. She will overcome it, but with time.


Just be very consoling, calm, gentle and talk to her in a soft motherly voice just letting her know your there for her.


Looking forward to hearing more about how this happened, when and what the heck happened at that boarders that resulted in this damage to your much loved bird.

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The surgery was 9 days ago. She was still at the nursery where we were getting her from. Here name is Rouge she got a clasp open on a toy and got her leg band caught. She started chewing her toes off to loose. When her foot was wraped she was her normal self. Now I think they gave us the wrong bird. But she's my girl and I love her more now than before.

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Oh, I am so sorry to hear that she went through the trauma of chewing he own toes off.


I'll bet you love her tons. How is she doing today? Is she eating ok and starting to move about a little?


Thanks for the additional information. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/24 21:00

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Ya she seems a little better today. She eating and drinking very well. She let me hold and give her lovens today. She is started bending her foot a little, but has not tryed climbing yet. But she is hold the side of her food bowl. Still a bit bitey but when bites to hard she says sorry and kisses me.I want to cry everytime I see her! Thanks everyone for your concern!

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It's only 9 days. The bird will stay very uncomfortable for a while. how long is hard to say but you needn't worry about future mobility. The day will come when neigher you nor your bird will realize the toes are gone. Greys and other parrots have an amazing ability to adapt. There's been cases where birds actually have no feet whatsoever and they too adapted. Your bird's injury will eventually be taken over by doing everything that any other bird does. Did you know that there are breeder birds ( mostly hens) that actually bite the toes off of the chicks' feet? Your bird's problem is not as uncommon as you may think.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/24 22:55

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Today is a sad day. Rouge is back at vet. He says it don't look good. Her whole leg is swolling. She can't walk. Won't eat. He thinks its septic from when she chewed off the toes. He don't think she will make it through the day. They are doing everything they can for her,but septic is fatal. Its in her blood. I need to go back there and be with her. Thank you all. Please pray for her.

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Rouge passed away at a lil after 3am this morning. She was quite and pain free. I was holding her and next she so very still. They gave her a shot is very quick. Thank god! Thank you all for all your help and kindness it ment so very much to me and I was happy to have people to talk who could understand what we were going through. I am just glad she don't hurt any more. She is at rest, but heart won't ever be. This for you my little Rouge, my life and my heart will never be whole again, I Love You Always And ForEver!

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I am so sorry Jessica and I thought this was coming but she is pain free now and flying over the Rainbow Bridge in all her glory.


I know it meant so much to Rouge to have you close and holding her, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, you did all you could do for her.

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I'm so sorry for your loss reading this has given my a huge lump in my throat and the tears are streaming down my face. I know what its like to lose a good friend. At least now she is out of pain and flying free over rainbow bridge where you will see her again one day my prayers are with you.

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Just out of curiosity. You mentioned Rouge was still at the nursery when this happened. This will not make the pain go away, but they are responsible for that Grey and should provide a replacement free.


The bottom line is, they should have never let you take Rouge home until they were certain all was well.

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Jessica Dan is right you should not have been put in the situation you were.Do the people know the outcome of the surgery. Was it your own vet who performed it or the nurserys vet. I know you must be so upset but you need to talk to them about a replacement bird.Talk to them and keep us all informed.

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This story really is getting to me. One of my greys till has his band and this is seriously making me think of having it (the band) cut off. I have heard many staories about how dangerous those bands can be.


I am so sorry for your loss. I do not know what I would do if that happend to Saphira or Thorn.


Saphira had to have part of one of her back toes amputated and she is much better now than before we had that part of her toe removed.

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