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To everyone with greys that are talking


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Just wondering if CAGS that talk and have only been around humans do that whistle call in the morning and evenings? or do they talk??


My CAG I decided to keep his original name Xerxes... he is really starting to "talk" a lot although not very clear at all, but he is just practicing sounds I presume and also biting less since I read that Sally Blanchard book The beak book. very good info.


thanks in advance!!

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I'll have to look into that book. Talon does on occasion bite. More like the "sucker punch".


Talon whistles alot. I think she picks it up from the outside birds. But she also is a good talker.


I like your avatar!! :)

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Guest Monique

I'm not sure what you mean by the Whistle Call? I take it your Grey has learned a special whistle? :) Usually parrots do make some noise at dawn and dusk time, that seems pretty common. Hope that helps!

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I have an interesting talking observation, and wondered if anyone's encountered the same thing. When I first got casper I was told that he talks lots and could pick up whole sentences after hearing them just once. I actually believe this, because initially he would mutter away in a broad scottich accent (no idea what he was actually saying!). But the longer I've had him the less he's talked - I'm very happy that he's cut out the swear words (mostly). He's picked up a few things that I say - particularly 'Casper up', and he makes lots of noise - whistling tunes, phones, alarm clocks - you know the stuff. I'm REALLY not bothered about him not talking so much, but I just wondered if anyone knows why the change...


By the way, I'm very jealous of you guys in the states - the Beak book is no longer available in the UK - and althoug there are copies available on Amazon, they start at £36. Aargh! I've got another book called 'A guide to taming and gentling your avian companion', which I found really useful

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Errol does her best Macaw and Hawkhead impressions in the morning, then after thats all done she begins her practicing I can her her saying "ARROW!" over and over again. I can tell she's trying to pronounce Errol. But it's adorable, then after that, I usually will hear any new sounds she's taken up as in the morning she will practice them. In the evening we get a lot of "Arrows" Hi's and grumble grumble grumbles.... I think she's trying to show off what she's been practicing in the morning

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Errol does her best Macaw and Hawkhead impressions in the morning, then after thats all done she begins her practicing I can her her saying "ARROW!" over and over again. I can tell she's trying to pronounce Errol. But it's adorable, then after that, I usually will hear any new sounds she's taken up as in the morning she will practice them. In the evening we get a lot of "Arrows" Hi's and grumble grumble grumbles.... I think she's trying to show off what she's been practicing in the morning

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my CAG is only 4months old and according to the previous owner he was talking in arabic quite well (handful of words), though i have read that they don't usually begin talking until after the first year. Can others weigh in on this? does it seem it is only after they reach a certain age (1?) that they can formulate words. All that i hear are clicking noises when he gets on my shoulder, sharp short 'squeeks' of disapproval if i put her in her cage with lid closed, and the rare whistle.


I wonder if anyone who has read the Beak Book would be willing to share with those of us in obscure corners of the world without access to the book a synopsis, say a how-to in ten steps. I am sure there is more to the book than that, but any summary of the most important steps would be immensely appreciated by many of us i am sure. Simply put, i am wondering what i can do other than to 'keep talking' (as Pink Floyd suggests) to Tiombe, even when i feel as if i am talking to myself.

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Boo is being stuborn with his talking, hes going on 3 yrs old , once in a while he says "what r doing" but in my bare eyed too's voice and then he'll say "Hiiii" but that is in my amazons voice... :ohmy:

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Brutus said his first word at about 4 months and hasnt shut up since. He only has to hear something once to repeat it. Hes also been learning as my son has. at three years old he waves and blows kisses. Early mornings I get about 20 min of bloodcurling screaming and laughter mixed together, followed by my name repeated over and over...and over. He usually talks in context, and during the day its a mix of talking and noise. Evenings hes usually pretty quiet, maby some mumbleing.

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Judy, just try saying it over & over again until you really feel stupid. Then I say it through out the day aseveral times. She usually picks it up after that. Use lots of enthusiasm in your speaking, I know they like that. Good luck and let's see if we can get her talking more. :cheer:

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I have a timenh grey who is about 4 months old.He was quite when I first brought him home but now first thing in the morning when everyone first gets up and going he whistles and chats away about somethingl.not quite sure what.He did come out with a sentence last week.What do you want...lol..not sure where he got that.During the day maybe little noise.not sure I am working but when i Have been home sick little noise but come time when I get home first he does his whisltes and then he chats away and then he climbs down from his play top and goes to bed.Gives a whislte,mummbles and to bed he goes..:)

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Roxy is now 4 months and 3 weeks old. My fiance tought her to wolf whistle, which she does ALOT! Any I accidentally taught her to make a burb sound, oops:blink:


She also waves when she wants something, and she makes kissing noises.


Too cute.

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