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Zeus - Update


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So after a good 9 days since Zeus' arrival, everything is going better than expected.


He is eating everything (besides forbidden foods) we give him.


His step up is improving each and every time we go over it. And sometimes he is rewarded with a yummy banana chip, which he loves very much.


I took him to the avian vet on Friday last week, and she was surprised at how healthy of a baby he was. His weight was great, and everything was healthy.


Since he was weaned on to Zupreem natural and Zupreem fruit pellets, I didn't bother thinking about Harrison's diet now. But fortunately, the vet sold Harrisons! She recommended it, and gave it to me for free! I have a little bag, that I am slowly giving to him every day.


Besides the regular baby noises, I didn't expect to hear any mimicing or any of the such until a few months after he began to settle in. But in the past few days, he has been trying to wolf whistle every time someone walks in the room. (I do that, haha.) Then he begins to mumble under his breath. He is only 3 months old!


I have some pictures for you :)



"What? I was hungry, okay?!"








My sweetheart is going to be coming home in a few hours. In the next 45 minutes, we are leaving to go up to Everett to get my beautiful baby. :D


I'm so excited. I couldn't sleep, haha.





Zeus, my baby CAG, born on 10/3/08 is ready to come home. At a very young 2 months and 3 weeks, he is already weaned.


I have a few questions I couldn't seem to locate answers for. And I want to be as sure as possible before I make any mistakes!


1. Although I ordered a huge cage around 3 weeks ago, it still hasn't been delievered. :angry: And I wasn't expecting Zeus to come home until the middle of January. Anyways, I'm not sure when this permanent cage will arrive, but I have a smaller cage. To get to the point, if Zeus comes home and gets used to this cage, will it be bad or troubling to him to move him straight into that one?


2. Since he is so young, he might not be fully fledged. So I'm not sure how to help him develope these skills. I don't plan to cut his wings until absolutely necessary.


I've read all the sticky posts on bringing my baby home. But I can't help but feel so nervous! He might come home a few days after Christmas. (What a gift)




Post edited by: empera, at: 2008/12/27 18:02<br><br>Post edited by: empera, at: 2009/01/05 21:16

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What a wonderful Christmas present indeed, congrats on Zeus coming home sooner than expected, an early weaner.


I don't know where you ordered your cage f rom but it should have been delivered already, usually doesn't take much more than a week or two at most but maybe being close to Christmastime it is taking longer.


I don't see a problem using the smaller cage if the bigger one doesn't come by the time you bring Zeus home, when the new one comes just set it up beside the one he will be in and he will get used to it. Put some toys in it and leave the door open and he may decide to check it out on his own and then problem solved.


You don't really have to do anything to help him fly, he will try that on his own, when he tries and lands on the floor put some padding down where he is likely to land to soften his landings so he doesn't hurt himself.


Also put his perches lower in his cage so he has less distance to drop if he falls from his perch and maybe put a blanket or some towels down to cushion any falls.

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Congratulations on Zeus coming home sooner than expected. If you ordered your cage on the internet did they e-mail you a confirmation number? If so, I would give them a call or send an e-mail and find out the status of your cage shipment. Three weeks is certainly a long time to wait for a delivery. My grey is 4 1/2 months old and I move her back and forth between her large cage in my office to her travel cage which is in the living room all the time. She is just use to this so thinks nothing of it. Don't be nervous, you are going to be a great grey owner. Zeus is one lucky grey!stork2.gif

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I dont see a problen in using the smaller cage for now. Infact I have read in a few books that baby greys are better in a smaller cage to start with. This is then often used as a sleep cage when they progress to the full size one. That saying, all cages must be large enough for the bird to stretch the wings out fully and be large enough to acomodate the bird as well as toys and feed dishes. I also would chase up the new cage.

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Congratulations Empera!!


As the others have said, a smaller cage will be fine, especially at such a still very young age. That baby is still probably kept in fairly cramped quarters and a HUGE new cage may just make him feel insecure as Sheila stated.


That is really young to be weaned completely. He must be in a hurry to get out of the nest and go exploring!! :-)

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The smaller cage will be fine. When I brought my last baby home he was in a smaller cage for a few weeks until his new one arrived.


Like Judy said, because he is so young and will be clumsy, lower the perches and pad the bottom, I just put a towel down on the bottom and covered in newspaper.

Dont be suprised if your baby sleeps on the bottom to start with, two of mine did this its just a baby thing.


He will learn his flying skills hrough practise. They are clumsy to start with and may have a few crash landings but you will be suprised how quickly they learn!


I bet you cant wait! I will be counting down the days:)

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Why thank you everyone for the advice.


Hopefully he will be fine with his smaller cage. At the specialty bird store that I'm getting him from, they socialize the babies with all other birds in a "Nursery Area" that people who walk pass the store can see. Everytime I've been to the store, they have been playing and walking around with like 15 other birds! That's good that they are used to other birds.


Nope, I seriously can't wait. Before I found out about Zeus coming home soon, I was super excited about the cage. Imagine how excited I am now! :D

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Here my baby is. :D






And a few questions.

He seems to be very nippy, and I do understand that he is tasting everything, etc. But now there are those bites with baby noises telling me no. I know it's his first day, but he has adjusted so well! He is obsessed with one of his toys, and loves bell noises. He preened and did all of those things that shows us he is comfortable.


They are more than a little hard, and I only have him step up when he is about to fall or anything like that. I say a firm "No bite." but he doesn't let go, and I can't distract him from the bite with anything else.


I have a somewhat lower pain tolerance, and I'm so worried I'm encouraging his behaviour.


Also, he seems to not want to stay on his perch, instead perching on his water and food bowls. I just put a blanket over his cage, and a small night light so he can climb on the perch without being in absolute darkness.


I'm just worried I'm doing the wrong things!



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What a beautiful baby Grey. :-)


He is new and you may need to take it slower and just let him get used to you and his new surroundings.


I am uncertain how you are offering to step-up, but if your hand is too high, he will need to use his beak to pull himself up. If your not doing so, please slide your hand under him and up a little against his under belly which should trigger him to naturally step onto your hand.


They will perch where they feel most comfortable, safe and secure. I assume your reference to a cover and light is in reference to when you cover him at night? If so that's fine. :-)

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You have a beautiful baby Empera, thanks for sharing a couple of pics with us.


I wouldn't worry too much about the nipping right now as he may be using it to steady himself or testing things out and that is normal. If it continues on in the coming weeks then I would start with the no bite and put him back in his cage.


I am sure in a few days or so he will start using his perches, he is in a new environment right now and he needs a little time to settle in and feel comfortable.


Let us know how it goes with him but so far so good.

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Empera, Zeus is gorgeous. You must be so excited!!! Thanks for sharing these great pictures. Can't wait to hear more about Zeus!! Don't be worried, if you have any questions, just ask. Everyone is here for you! Ana prefers to step up on my wrist, I believe she feels more steady there and therefore does not use her beak to grab on. If it works for her it works for me, we are a team. Have fun with your new baby, and please keep us posted.

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What a beautiful bird! I'm excited for you as you start this new adventure together.

Of course you understand your new baby uses his beak to learn about his world. This is why he is biting you- he is learning how to interact with people. Give a firm "no bite" and remove yourself from his beak. Try to have some foot toys or something suitable nearby to give him to distract him from the behavior. Try not to overreact or it may cause him to continue the behavior in order to see your reaction. Most of all, have fun as you both learn to get along together!

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Okay, maybe I was being a tad bit worried a few days ago about Zeus but that's all changed!


His nipping is slowing down a lot. He seems to like oatmeal, and a little bit of tomatoes. :D He is eating well, and playing around as much as possible. So far, he is making a ton of noises but I'm not sure if they are showing contentment or any other feeling.


I hope.


He seems quite protective over his food, which is questionable.


BlueKiwi, he hasn't seemed to take much notice to the green foraging toy that you also own. I think it's because he's only been at my house since Saturday morning. But congrats on your baby grey! The wait is so worth it.


He has been stepping up successfully and seems to begin to understand the whole concept. We can pet him almost everywhere and he enjoys it.


I'll get more pictures soon!

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