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Tail feather ?plucking, chewing?


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How much undisturbed sleep time does the bird get? I leave the television on for mine tuned to a childrens channel but I have it on a timer to go off so she can rest in the afternoon. I found she was cranky on the days I left it on all day. Greys need attention and stimulation but they also need some quiet time too.

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She usually has the tv on the the children's public tv channel during the day but she has quite and dark for 10-12 hours every night. I don't have a timer on the tv in her room but I felt like she should have some entertainment on the days I am gone for many hours. Most days I can stop in on her once or twice during the day but sometimes I cannot so the tv and the cd are her companions. I also have a stand and a second cage in the living room and she spends most evenings or afternoons when I am around in the same room just playing and talking up a storm. She is really sensitive to separation anxiety if she is not that familar with the surroundings. That seems to be when she gets much worse. I also have a humidifier on all day long in her room. She can see into the hallway and kitchen from the door of her room but I have a plexi baby gate that keeps the dogs away from her during the day. She is totally chill around them and has no fear of them but she is never completely alone when I am gone.

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