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how often should I expose my TAG to the sun?


Keemo's Cage is in the middle of the living room, and the sun does not get to where his cage is located ... a friend of mine visited me today and said that i should expose him to the sun more often...


to be honest at this time of the year ... the sky is cloudy most of the time and the weather is windy and i am really afraid that if i put him next to a window he will get cold because of some wind leakage especially the sun is hidden most of the time and we barely see it an hour a day .. so i think there is not point of putting him next to a window while the weather is not that good...


I will leave with some pics for keemo


DSC00824.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: bebo08, at: 2008/12/22 19:44


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It would make no difference putting him in front of a window. The benefits come from exposure to daylight and sun only directly, not through closed windows.I have an outside aviery where Charlie can go on nice days, When the weather is better try putting his cage in the garden for a bit, making sure he is not in the full glare of the sun.

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