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How could is too cold!!!


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Good Morning all. I Live in Orlando Fl the weather is not to bad but for this week it's going to be a bit cold and i wanted to know how cold is to cold. This morning is was 50 and it going up to 60 it's going to be like this for the next few days.

I have a pair of grey the the last owner had them out side also year round. I coverd the cage with a sheet just to block the wind. :huh:

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A lot of people keep birds outside year round in Florida, but when it gets chilly (by Fl standards, 50 probably is), they put up heat lamps for them.


It's also probably a good idea to keep a proper sheltered area of the cage, either with plywood or a nice big nesting box if they're a breeding pair.

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Kit gave good advice.


They should definitely have a roof over their heads so they do not get rained upon. Heat lamps work great in outdoor aviaries where breeding pairs are kept.


It gets down into the teens here during the winter a few days and stays at a pretty steady of 32 to 39 in early mornings and highs only in the 40's during nov to February.


Birds ranging from Macaws, Greys and Conures do fine in the outdoor aviaries as long as they are roofed, have a good nest to crawl into and\or a heat lamp if the need some additional warmth.


They acclimate to the temperature outside as it steadily goes down and up during seasonal changes over weeks and months through all the seasons.

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