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I am very worried about indy. She is clipped and was her play stand and decided to "fly" off it. She landed quite hard on the floor and we have no carpet. There is no actual bleeding or broken skin but when I examined her closely she has a little red blotch next the keel bone towards the end of the keel bone.


Is this a bruise or could it be something more serious like internal bleeding?


Please help!

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If it was me I would get it checked out just to make sure there is no serious injury. Hopefully it will just be a bruise but with the christmas season looming I would give your vet a call and get some advice at least.


Please let us know what happens, I hope everything will be okay.

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Hi Nims - sorry to hear of Indy's fall.


Casper is right, a vet visit will give peace of mind and the holiday season is starting in a few days.


It would really be a good idea to place throw rugs or something soft around the cage so he won't hit so hard the next time. :-)

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Sorry to hear of this. How far is it from the stand to the floor (eg how far did Indy "fall")? How is Indy acting? Eating/drinking normal? Any signs of pain or distress? Chances are pretty good Indy is fine, they are pretty tough. If you want to be sure a vet visit would be the best action.

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Hi sorry about indies fall. Please get this checked by a vet. the last thing you need is to trying to find a vet open over the holidays and be charged a fortune for an out of hours visit. It could be a bruise, but needs checking out.

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Hi All,


Thanks for your responses. I spoke to the vet and told him what happened. I decribed the wound to him and he said it was a gash (flesh wound) and she will be fine in a week. She is eating and playing well.


Panic over. I will place some rugs/mats near her stand in the future.


Thanks all

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I'm glad to hear that it was nothing that would ruin your holiday. People here have been planning some great meals that involve the specialized cooking of their greys in order to make the day a tasty one. Cooking injured birds makes them squawk to much.

AND, I;m glad that you're finally going with those throw rugs. Just remember that they be gotten for a very inexpensive price. Have a good meal.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/22 18:22

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