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Positive Reinforcement


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I have purchased some of her DVD's and they are very good. Her training takes time and patience. I've tried it with both my blue and gold and my TAG and it works. It's time consuming, but it builds trust and will improve your relationship with your bird. I would definetly recommend her videos.

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hi judy ...


well, i started off today with the 'step up' command video ... and i can tell you that there is some sort of progress ... slowely but sort of surely :D .. keemo did not step up at all ... however his right leg touched my hand couple of times ... after 30 minutes of training i felt very tired .. and for me not to get frustrated ... i decided that i want to try something else that has nothing to do with the training ... so i tried to rub his leg with my index finger .. surprisngly he was OKAY with that ... so i kept on rubbing his right leg then i started to move my finger a little bit higher and he was also okay with that .... i hope that this is a good indication for some kind of trust from his side ...


i have to admit one thing that he bit me when i tried to move my index finger from his right leg to the left leg .. but it was not the attacking kind of bite .. i felt like he was telling me ... dont cross the line :)


anyways i am so excited for the next training session ... however ... if there is one thing i learnd is that i should not be building high expectations in order not to get disappointed .. i am optimistic yet i believe that bonding with keemo will take some time ...

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hi judy ... well yeah .. her videos are different than the other training videos i found on youtube ... however ... there are somethings that she doesn't give any guidance on ... its more of you need to predict i.e. the type of perch to use for training .. size of perch ,, etc .. as i believe these things matter when you apply Barbra's training ... but all in all they are good ...


there is one thing that i am not sure about regarding Keemo's training today ... is that when i started to rub his leg he refused to eat the treats that i was giving to him ... its weired ... do you have any idea why?

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Don't give up!! :-)


Make sure you do it in shorter sessions than 30 minutes. Do it in 5 or 10 minute sessions. I would suspect the reason he didn't take the treat, is he was more concerned over what your hand was doing rubbing his leg. ;-)


Also, the size of the perch you have him on when trying to get the step up training completed does not matter. The key thing you are building with him right now is trust in you and also trust in that finger, hand or arm is stable and will not let him fall.


Just stay consistent and make it fun with you voice, facial expressions etc. If if you only get the slightest response from him, praise him for it. That's what positive feedback is all about. :-)


You did mention he was beaking your hand. This is common and how they test everything for stability, texture etc. There's a huge difference between beaking and biting, you would definitely feel the difference. ;-)

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Mika started out with only 3-5 min training, we are now at 30 min but this was after almost 4 months. I change the treat almost ever day so he has no idea what it's going to be. Mika is on a no seed diet, so shelled sunflower seeds or punkin seeds are a real treat to him, and only offered one at a time.

If he does get bored with what were doing, I stop on a positive note-reward- and go back to it a few hours later.


Carolyn & Mika

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Don't give up so soon, 3 days is hardly long enough to know whether they will work or not. Like Carolyn said only do short sessions and this will take time, see Carolyn is working with her grey and it has been 4 months so keep at it and be patient.:whistle:

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