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I think my bird needs a new home...


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Trust me, this is an embarassing message to post. Please don't chew me out... Or do if it would make you feel better, but know that it's awful for me to post this.


I'm doing this here because the Grey Forums are such an amazing community of bird lovers, and maybe through this network, Tango can find a home that will be better suited for him than the one he's in now. It's humbling to come before everyone like this, especially those I've gotten to know over the past few months, but I think this is one of Tango's best chances for a lifetime of happiness.


Tango is a healthy, 7-month-old baby, who doesn't screech or pluck, who is well-socialized, was hand-fed as a baby, and came with a health guarantee from a local bird store, Bird Crazy. My husband and I take good care of him, but know we won't be able to continue this regimen, and are not enjoying this new addition to our home the way we hoped we would. I understand that it's irresponsible of us to make this decision, but I think in the long run, this humbling and irresponsible decision will be what is best for Tango. We just can't take care of him the way he deserves, and he is more than understanding. He's an amazing boy... We're just not up to the challenge like we thought we were.


I don't want to ship him, but blessings come in unforseen ways sometimes, and it's something I would be willing to look into if absolutely necessary.


Please send me a private message if you're interested. My husband and I will be out of town for a week starting Monday, but we would love to being making arrangements as soon as possible. We want to help him find a forever-home that's deserving of his great little personality. Thanks for any help you can offer.

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I know it had to be tough to post this. It is admirable that you wish to find a good forever home for him and that you posted on the forum.


I can only imagine the thoughts that must have run through your head before finally deciding to post this. Most would just never be back on the forum again and silently move on.


Hopefully someone frequenting here from southern California will respond to you. I do know a person posted in this forum about a week or two ago from California and he was wanting references to a breeder or rescue here he could possibly get a Grey from.


I wish you well and pray that a home is found for him soon, so you can put your mind to rest and your grey can find a forever home while he is still very young and more adaptable to changes than older Greys. :-)

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I think that you are a wonderful unselish person that is able to reach out and try to find the best home out there for Tango.

It appears you are making this decision with Tango's best interest at heart.

And nobody out there should cast the first stone with out taking a long good look inside themselves.

I truly hope you the best, and I would be first in line to try and help you, but I am in Canada and they have made it very hard to bring a bird across the border with paper work and the fees attached, trust me I have checked this out a few weeks ago.


Again I wish you the best.


Carolyn & Mika

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I am sorry that it has come down to this and I am not going to chew you out about it. I could tell you felt bad writing the post. Atleast you have realized at the birds young age that he will be happier somewhere else and might be best on everyone concerned including your grey.


I wish you the best in finding him a new home. They indeed are not for everyone. Only thing I would suggest in rehoming is don't just let anyone have take him. Make sure to some extent that the home is going to will be a good environment for him. I say this because I have rehomed 2 parrots that have come from neglectful environments (so sad) and if you feel you have to rehome him please make sure the new parronts are willing to go above and beyond for him. Posting here on the forum was a good idea because as you know there are so many grey owners that love and cherish these birds. I hope someone from the forum will be interested. Please keep us updated.

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Good luck in finding a good home for your grey. Greys are not for everyone and I commend you for writing this on here. I am sure that you have tried to make this work and have chosen to find your grey a new home for your grey only because you have his best interest at heart.

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I admire you for your honesty, and for realizing fairly quickly that he is not in his forever home. He needs to find that home next, and I would take him in a heartbeat, but I am on the other side of the US. I hope and pray that you find his lifetime home very soon. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. My prayers are with you all. :(

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I commend you for realizing early that you are not up for the task of raising a Grey they trully are a huge responsibility and are not for the faint of heart Ialso would take him in a heart beat but I too live in Canada and Its just not easy to bring birds accross the border. I do hope that you find a forever home very soon. I also was thinking about that gentleman that posted a few weeks ago that was looking into a Companion Grey he really seemed to have a good understanding of what owning a Grey intailed hopefully he will read this thread and get in touch with you. I wish you and yours all the best in the new year and Merry Christmas to you

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I am sorry things did not work .I think you have thought things through and come to the best decision for you and Tango.I see someone has already responded to your post and I hope it works out. Good luck and let us know the outcome.

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I will definitely keep you guys updated. I'm on my way out the door for the holidays and have a dear friend and professional bird trainer, trained through Moorehouse/Moorepark/? (sp?), watching him for the week I'm gone. I'm sorry this reply is so short, but before I left, I wanted to thank everyone for all the warm support. This really is a wonderful community.

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Please don't feel bad about wanting to find a new home for your grey. I commend you for doing the right thing and realizing it is in Tango's best interest to find him a new home. Greys are such a big responsibility and demand a lot of attention to keep them happy. I truly hope that Tango finds the right forever home and that all of you will be happy in the future. Best of luck to you.

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Since I've made the decision to find Tango a new home, things have been different. I've given him more attention, done more reading on birds, and even cried a couple times thinking about our impending separation. I'm wondering if this change of heart is part of the emotional preparation of saying goodbye, or if it really is the little kick I've needed to really jump into our relationship.


I'm keeping in touch with anyone who's interested in possibly taking Tango in, but I've decided to slow down a bit and take another one or two months to make sure this is the right decision. I can't tell if things really are better for real, forever, or if things are just better because I'm sad and emotional about it all.


Please keep the our family in your prayers as we're making this decision. Thanks to ALL OF YOU for the amazing support I've received in this tough time. This is honestly a spectacular community. You all are wonderful to have around.

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It could be that emotional separation you're getting ready for but you need to ask yourself *how much of this literature did I actually read in the past?*


* how many other bird owners did I contact to get advise and other tips and clues about my problem*


*how many other people are having this same problem?*


* did I ever find out how much change a grey will accept? *Did I ever explain my exact situation to anyone in order to get a clearer answer that would be full of reality and more than likely, common sense*?


The choice is yours. You may need more than sympathy here.

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EFGriffith wrote:

I'm wondering if this change of heart is part of the emotional preparation of saying goodbye, or if it really is the little kick I've needed to really jump into our relationship.


Please keep the our family in your prayers as we're making this decision.


It is good to hear you are doing some serious soul searching and extending the deadline. :-)


Only you can make the dicision, one way or the other and you will definately be in my Prayers. :-)


Karma to you for displaying such a deep respect for your bird and it's love for you!

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AG are very intellagent mabie he realized that you where going to give up on him and decided he better show you just how much he loves you and doesn't want to go anywhere. I hope things continue to Improve because the longer you keep him the harder it will be for him to adapt to a new home. Please make your mind up quickly if you are going to rehome him. Its will be best for since he is still very young.

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I'm glad you decided to think through your decision. If you are unsure, then taking the time to really think it through can only help because once you give Tango up there is no going back. Whatever you decide it should be a forever decision, but it is a decision that only you can make. If you have any questions, ask some of our more experienced members, we are a family here and everyone wants to help. Good thoughts go out to you and Tango.

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Out of all my birds, my CAG is probably the most demanding of my time and attention. It's not a light responsibility at all. I had to evaluate my long term situation before adopting Zazu. If my lifestyle should change, he would suffer. And as a baby, the attention I give him is even more critical. These birds are smart. They need to be handled as often as possible and provided the same amount of mental stimulation you would provide a child. Imagine locking a 4 year old little boy in a cage with the same toys to play with day after day. Think VERY hard about whether you can do this. Ask every question you can think of and arm yourself with knowledge. It will make the difference between a good companion bird and a bad one.

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I am so happy that you are re evaluating your decision. Greys are not easy to keep but they are so rewarding that you can forget the hard parts. I know that you are really sole searching and I congratulate you for that. I am confident you will come to the right choices for your self and Tango.

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They are definitely a high maintenance and demanding type of bird, and it gets tough at times. My wife and I are having our first child in March, and things are going to be rough, but you just have to adapt. I bend over backwards for Keywe, and wouldn't have it any other way. Make sure that whatever you do, DO IT IN THE BIRD'S BEST INTEREST!!! If you keep him, make sure to dedicate time for him...Don't leave him in a cage all day and ignore him...That's just mental torture for them... Do what's best for him.

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