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Grey rebellion!


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My grey has just been refusing to Go into her cage for hours, me and my brother had her out in the kitchen While making pasta (one of her favorite food) she loves to wander and watch people, but she then bit bother me and my brother really hard ( drawing blood ) and then was running rampant, refusing to do anything at all any ideas what may be wrong?

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First of all, you shouldn't have your bird in the kitchen. That's an unsafe place for any bird. Second, your bird shouldn't be in any area where it's favorite food is being prepared. A bird belongs in a cage or an area that's far away from it's favorite food until it's time to feed that favorite food. So, biting is something that I can see happening. From what you said, I assume that your bird will go in the cage with very little trouble except for now when you had him in the kitchen with him watching that favorite food. Don't allow him to be in an area ( especially a kitchen) when you're cooking things whether he likes the items or not.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/20 20:10

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Dave gave a great response as always.


It sounds like you and your brother learn a few valuable lessons in regards critters of any type today:


1. They should not be in the kitchen when anything is being cooked or prepared.


2. If it's their favorite snack, they will not leave without dishing out very painful resistance.


3. Once they realize your not going to give them what they want, the will run rampant and rebel against you in any way they can and you will not receive any cooperation from them.


Does this sound familiar, like when you were young and wanted something? ;-) :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/20 23:25

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I am thinking what you have just described, is just as Dave and Dan said - a good old fashion birdie temper tantrum:angry: . You were preparing her favorite food and she wanted some NOW.


I have found with my grey, that waiting for something is not one of there virtues - when they want it they want it NOW. And to be taken away from what they like at that moment will cause them to rebel in the only way they have to show great displeasure, biting and refusing to leave.


Carolyn & Mika

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Pass, I concur with Dave and Dan as well. Heck, I can't even come home from shopping without making sure Bella is secured while I unpack groceries! She freaks out when I come back. She pounces on the bags and starts ripping holes in them. One time I washed off an assortment of fruits and had them in a strainer. Someone rang the door bell, I thought all was well because she was busy foraging on her playtop. When I got back, she had gotten into those fruits and had made the biggest mess you could imagine! To this day she still has a slight blackberry stain on the top of her noggen from tossing around the blackberries!

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