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Just got my First Breeding Pair need help!


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Hi I would like to know if you can help me out with a pair of Grays that was given to me about a week ago. They are a breeding pair that I'm sure of i know a few people that have gotten baby's from her.

She gave them to me because she could no longer keep them where she is living.


Now for the good part. right before she gave them to me she told me that they had eggs in the box.

i seen them she layed three eggs. so she keep the eggs that gave me the pair. she had them out side and now there in side the house. in the garage. nice a quiet. The cage i put them in is 3x3x5.

But since day one that she gave them to me the male has been plucking?

I want to know if there something i can do. I'm trying no to stress them out i go in the room only 2 time a day morning and in the afternoon. I'm feeding them Carrot's Apples, not to much seeds. eggs


Can you help!

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Moving breeders around from one place to another while the hen is sitting can cause all sorts of problems. Plucking feathers, being aggressive to the mate, sometimes eating eggs if they're still around in the nest. I get the feeling that you put them in that enclosure and you didn't put any nesting material in the enclosure. And if I;m reading your post correctly, you took away the pair from eggs that she was sitting on. That in itself can cause many problems. Eggs should be left with a female for a full cycle before being removed. There's a lot of confusion going on with those birds and you'll just have to wait until they calm down. A week isn't long enough for breeders to calm down. Even if they're disturbed and moved around in their own house it can cause problems. Continue feeding all types of food but don't think that vegetables or other foods will make that calming down period any quicker. As a matter of fact, stop feedin the rice. Rice is part of whole grains that breeders are fed in order to feed each other during differents feeding times. Don't do thing right now that will cause more confusion. Let them both calm down and get used to their surroundings and visit them more often dso theyu get used to seeing a new face.

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