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Witte Molen ( was 'unbelievable')

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Guest alger316

Here's the article:




Some 12 years ago on returning from the USA Russell

Liddiatt a 4th generation bird-keeper one of the founders of Double Dutch was so disappointed with the British high content sunflower rich parrot seed available that he decided to source the best then available from the

Continent. The choice was Parrot Premium from Witte Molen. This little sunflower mixture, with numerous seeds, dried vegetables and a vitamin pellet instantly became a winner for us. We had hundreds of telephone calls from both private customers and large collections and zoos that the food was the best that they had ever used and birds fitness and feather quality had improved. We are probably the only Company with a trained nutritionalist and at the end of 1998 we worked closely with the then Factory Director of Witte

Molen to produce a more exciting and less dated mix, with less small seeds and extra seeds- thus PARROT PREMIUM 2000 was born. This was an instant success with all our customers and quickly the Parrot Premium 2000 was outselling the old Witte Mollen Parrot Premium by 15 to 1. In 2000 with severed our relationship with Witte Molen; by that time our private formula

Parrot Premium 2000 was being made by a bigger Dutch company and so it still is. It is not brand name but quality and ingredients that sell a mix. Witte

Molen Parrot Premium is still available; we don't sell it; it being picked up by somebody who was associated with one of our then clients. We rarely sell to shops as most know very little about nutrition and thus being a top of the range product we like to sell with advice via Mail Order. So remember if you are offered Witte Molen Parrot Premium it is NOT Premium 2000. Our

Premium range expanded towards the middle of 2000 with a mixture that is more British conventional style with the addition of more sunflower, chillies, corn etc. that is just the ideal for Greys. This is PARROT FIESTA.

The larger Macaws in fact also prefer this to Premium 2000. For those who like their mixture to contain out of shell nuts; more vine fruits and real large pieces of fruit (not silly little pieces of candied fruit) Parrot

Premium 2000 with fruit and nuts is now available; called Parrot Fruity and for Greys and bigger lads Fiesta with fruit and nuts is available. We are now working on a number of new mixes including a Parrot Premium 2003 to take us even further into the lead.

Pelleted food has never caught on in theuK as it did in the US. We have stocked various manufacturers pellets but the one we finally settled on was Prestige from Versele Laga in Belgium. The product must be good as this is what probably the most famous Parrot collection uses and recommends. We have fanciers buying the pellets as a complete seed, but we ourselves often recommend them as part of a diet that is mostly seed based.

The greatest innovation to hit Parrot diets was the introduction by us some 6 years ago of the natural high protein diet of West

African Palm Nuts. I have spent large parts of my life in West Africa and have been amazed by flocks of Greys gourging themselves on Palm nuts. Again

I have seen in the wild all the Macaws eating Palm Nuts. Inside a few days the nut fibre will give your birds better health and colour. The only drawback is that to stay fresh they must be frozen. We are the sole importers of these Nuts. I can promise you they are the best thing you can find. Once again we seem to be year ahead of everybody else; there is already a hysterical Web page from a food importer pushing indirectly the benefits of Palm Nuts but stating he cannot get any of quality.

Many breeders as well as using Handfeeds are now turning to Eggfoods. A number of good handfeeds all foreign are out there as are a few poor ones. With problems of stock running out during the season we decided not to sell any other product brought in by a different distributor but to solely sell Orlux Nutribird A19 and A21. Being made in Belgium it is easy to get supplies in and the product with its Lactobillious has prooved to be atotal winner over the last 5 years. We also thoroughly recommend the

Orlux Parrot Eggfoods. Certainly our nutritionalist believes that Eggfood with less than 16% Protein is not sufficient for Canaries alone Parrots.

The only complete supplement made especially for Parrots comes from Holland it is called Pssitamix with added Calcium, Unlike most other supplement is comes with specific dosages for individual species. The product does it all - no extra Calcium and now using this product and add this product and then give this one on every other Wednesday. We are the sole importers of the complete Aves range and thoroughly recommend his

Probiotic and Stress Mix (when moving birds). If you see Aves products without English on the labels, they are nothing to do with us and we cannot guarantee freshness. You can be conned by being charged nearly the same price for a tiny "dutch" Psittamix as for the far larger "English" tub from us.

We are proud that this and many other commendable rescue centres push our PARROT PREMIUM 2000. We could blow our own trumpet and say that the base product was good and that 2000 is backed by generations of pet bird keeping experience (keeping pet birds is far different from keeping birds semi wild in large enclosures) and trained nutritionalists. We do advise you to check out spurious and sometimes dangerous information given out on feeding and medicine by those people with made up qualifications and little long term practical experience who spout out their beliefs on

Websites. For real information contact the names on this web site.

Russell M. Liddiatt. M.A.

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