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What you love most about your grey


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I thought this would be a fun topic for everyone to talk about all the things that make you love your grey :)


What I love most about my grey:


- Her feet. I love how she'll lift her foot for me and the soft little pads wrap around my fingers and hold on just like little fingers. She always seems so dainty when she steps up!


- Kisses. I love how she gives her own kisses by pushing her beak gently against my cheek, chin, lips or nose.


- Smell and snuggles. I love to turn my face against her breast when she's on my shoulder and breathe in her birdy smell. I also love a soft, warm bird body against my cheek!


- Personality. I love how she's always willing to give someone or something a chance, even when she doesn't like it.

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I love Charlie simply because he is his own little person with funny little habbits,likes and dislikes. He is always there and ready to play or just chat away to me or himself. He is very sensitive and picks up on my mood and seems to respond to it. He is a fantastic companion and I just love him to bits.

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I love ZZero cause hes perfect !! I love how he has a differnt mood everyday. I love how we interact together we are so bonded and I can do anything and everything to him with little fuss. I just love his kisses and the way he cuddles, I love when he hides in my sweatshirt and just his head sticks out with mine. OH man I could go on and on I just love him!!


Things I hate LANDING ON MY HEAD!!! lol had to get that out

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I love Gryphon's changeable moods. We have that in common. :)


I love when he gives me The Eye. There's so much going on in that little brain. Plus his seriousness cracks me up.


I love the way he rubs his face against my cheeks to show affection. I also love his little grunts and huffs and sighs when we are rubbing faces.


He's still so new in my life that I feel like I find something else to love about him daily. :kiss:

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I love Ana Grey because she is independent and has a mind of her own. She is very straight-forward with what she wants and works to accomplish her goals. When she wants a cuddle she just comes over and gives me a nibble to pick her up for a cuddle. If I stop stroking her head and back and she still wants a scratch she pulls at my hand with her beak and if she is tired of being petted she bites me. Her body language so far has been easy to read. She barks like a chihuahua as her contact call and has started to mumble sometimes, though so low I can't make it out. She is a jewel and destined to be my longest and best friend.


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I love the way he teaches me his tunes.

The way he says "What's the matter" if he thinks I'm blue.

The way he says "your OK" when he wants a tickle.

The way he seems to read my mind.

The warmth of his feet.

The way he shares his dinner with me !

The silk of his feathers.

His silver glow.

The red flash of his tail.

His laugh.

How he loves to play.

His trust.

The only thing I don't like is to be away from him.




Steve n Misty

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Penny, I know the feeling!

Where do I start with my three?


I love them all in different ways! They all have different needs!


I love Charlie so much, he will always be number one bird! He is my special needs bird. I love the way he laughs,talks, plays, everything about him.


I love Keeko because he is so cheeky,curious,mischievious and so loving.


I love Jasper because he is my baby, I am still learning with Jasper but I love his independence and his fearless nature.


They are my beautiful boys:kiss:

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I love how hilarious Klaus is. The noises he makes and the stuff he says. Also how at dinner time he will nonchalantly climb down the leg of his cage stand, toddle over to the table, climb up my pant leg and peek over the edge of the table to get a better look at what we're having (even though I've already given him his own little bowl of what we're having).

Overall he is just fun to have around!

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Dayo - African Yoruba dialect meaning "Joy has arrived".


We named him while he was still at the Breeders based on his personality and how it affected us.


It is truly a "Joy" everyday he is with us. He is viewed by us with a love we only had previously for our children.


That feeling and love is the "Most loved" aspect of him. It is all inclusive of his entire being.

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I love Slater because he is so smart and he has a mind of his own.

I love how he mimics just about everything, my favorite mimic is the whining noise my chihuahua makes when he wants to go out, he does it so good!

I love how he walks on his broken foot(he was born with it), it's so funny looking.

I love how he puts his head down when he wants to be petted on the neck, the only place he will let me pet him.

If only he would let me hold him...


I still love him so much, he is my crazy beautiful bird!:)

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My Lani is the love and light of my life. I love how trusting she is, how she always says "Hi" even to people she doesn't know. I love that she tell Rocky, our cockatoo to "Be quiet" when he gets going too loud. SHe tells him to "Be a good bird" and "Mommy said no"...she is very serious in a funny and charming way. I love the way she gently rubs her head against my cheek when we are chillin together in front of the TV. I love how she asks "whatcha' doin?" and when she says "Mommy loves that birdy"....I could go on. She is a little feathered person with distinct likes and dislikes, and opinions, too! I could not imagine life without Lani in it. The postings of other people owned by CAG's are so touching.....aren't we fortunate that these precious creatures love us? Also, just love those little dinosaur toes!

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