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how to get charlie used to a bath?


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charlie doesnt seem to bath, at least that I have noticed but once has he took a bath. I got a bird bath and fill it with lukewarm water everyday, but he seems to want nothing to do with it. I tried running water and that scares him.


any and all ideals are welcome, I am at a lost.

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I bath Mika in the kitchen sink, I put down a small rubber mat so his tes dont go into the drain and he has firm footing. I have 2 water spray bottles one full of nice warm water the other of full strength alo vera.

I spray him down with the water, all over including under his wings and his belly. In some cases they are trying so hard to get out of the sink they raise there wings for you trying to escape. lol after the water bath he gets sprayed down with aloe, to help with his feathers and keep his skin in good condition.


Hope this helps, it really does become easier after a few times;)


Carolyn & Mika

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I take Josey into the shower and use a handheld shower head on her, I can get under her wings and all over with it, she does not like it much but will tolerate it, I then finish her off with a spray of aloe vera juice to make the feathers soft and her skin supple.


You will just have to try several methods and see what works best and what Charlie will tolerate, we don't have one of the lucky ones who love a good bath or shower.

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