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Update on Shadow and I


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Thank you for all that has posted and asked how I have been doing..Well I had it out with Eddie and taking care of his OWN bird, he wants to claim that Doobie is his and he said he would take care of him so I have stopped doing anything for him, he has forgotten to feed him a few times (and yes I went and gave him his pellets but before Eddie came home I would remove them and make him feel like a piece of dirt for letting his bird "starve" all day) So he is getting better at it.


I have a bird room where all the birds are, Shadow was the only one that was in the dinning room which he loved that, but the screaming, and pulling and tipping his feathers, snapping the cage bars, not wanting to eat finally took a toll on me, so I moved his cage back there as well and put the play gyms in the dinning room instead, he used to be back there when I first got him so its not like it was a total shock, but I must say I am feeling a bit better now, I can close the door when I get sick of hearing him scream and I am not stressing watching every move he makes and having to redirect his attention every 2 seconds when he starts pulling his feathers, now is he happy~~~ HELL NO, he screams worse and when I let him out of the cage he goes right to the floor and runs to the dinning room where he cage was, he has picked up this annoying clicking sound and does that NON stop, yes he is pulling his feathers and every time I walk by he snaps the bars and now the powered coat is wearing off, he still was not wanting to eat anything so he is now 7 months old and I am back to hand feeding him so he at least gets something, he is stuborn as hell and knows what makes me stressed, he hates it in the bird room but he has everyone else there as well and I bring him to the play area in the dinning room every morning, his time out has been reduced for the fact he will no longer stay on his cage to play, he is dead set on the dinning room and not to play, he has controled my life and I am still saying that I do not think I am fit to own a Grey, all my other birds are great, eat well, dont scream, stay on the cage or play gym and happy in or out of the cage. Shadow seems to know what got me upset, he stopped eating, if it was something new yes he would eat it that ONE day, how many things can you come up with different? I took him to the vet and he is healthy besides the drop in weight from refusing to eat, no reasons to be picking and tipping feathers, even the vet told me that he felt bad for me, that this bird has figured out how to control me. So now he is REALLY mad because I can 100% ignor his bad habits, he has been getting hand fed for the last 2 weeks and when I put his cage in the bird room, I still kept the same routine, get him up placed him on the T stand and feed him well now he eats and then he will bring it back up and fling it all over everything and this has been since he was put back in the room, I hand him his favorite treats, he drops it, he has his fresh food bowl out on top like normal, then he has a bowl on the T stand that has nuts, grains and so on, in his cage he has 3 seperate bowls all with healthy choices, nope doesn't touch any of them, I look on the bottom of the cage and at the food, you can tell and he used to eat all the time, after I went in for surgery and was gone ONE night, he stopped and I have a scale and weigh everyone once a week, he went from 320g to 298g so that is why I am hand feeding a freaking 7 month old bird again, and yes he pumps, even starting to beg if Im not fast enough..But now we eat and waste it...I know I sound stupid but this bird has controled ME, and that is not a easy thing..So I am really thinking about placing him up for adoption...I have no more fight left in me...

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I am really sorry , I was wondering how you were getting on and just wish you could have been feeling more positive. Dont feel bad if you do decide to rehome Shadow,just ensure he finds an experianced loving home.I will support whatever decision you make. I really wish I could advise you better but I am at a loss.Can you talk to and get support from family members or friends.Greys can be a hand full and you are clearely finding things too much. You are giving your all but cant make a break through. I feel so helpless because I cant offer you any other advise.All I can say is that we are all hear to offer support and friendship,



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So sorry to hear you are struggling so much with Shadow. Greys can certainly be trying and I think their intelligence has a lot to do with that. I think they get bored easily and figure out what pushes your buttons and don't forget it either.

As far as the problems you are having with getting Shadow to eat- have you tried eating along with him? Trying making up a big dish of brown rice with whatever veggies you fancy. Sit down with Shadow and eat it right in front of him. Let him come up to the plate and try some if he likes. This is what I had to finally resort to with Lyric. He was my first baby grey that I handfed and I had a heck of a time getting him weaned. I think they learn best from watching the members of their flock- if he sees you eating something maybe he will catch on.

I know you will make the right decision for both you and Shadow (regarding rehoming him) - I wish you both peace and happiness in your lives.

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I feel bad for you too. You seem like you are at the end of your rope and sounds like you are trying everything you can. Only thing I can think of is that he is picking up on your frustrations and since he knows he can get a rise out of you, it continues. Hopefully, it's just a phase. I understand if you feel you need to rehome though. I wish you the best. Hang in there & Keep us posted. ;)

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I'm very sorry to hear that things are not getting better for you and Shadow. Only you know what is best for you and your whole flock. You are a good and caring person or this would not pain you so much. And in the end, you will know what is right for everyone's happiness. My thoughts are for a happy solution for all of you. Best regards.

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