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Aloe Vera on my hair


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Atleast once a week I take Baxter to the shower with me to give him a real good soaking. After he is soaked I spray him down real good with the Aloe Vera juice to help his skin out. They make his feathers so pretty and soft. :) Today after doing this to him I thought Why not try it on my hair and see what it does???:woohoo: I sprayed it directly on my freshly shampooed and conditioned hair and styled as usually. My hair has never been so soft and shiney. I love it!!! My hair is very thick and very coarse I have to use something to make it more managable. I always use a good conditioner but today I found out that Aloe Vera is better than any condition I have used yet!!! I have not tried it spraying without using the conditioner yet. All I know is this is the softest my hair has ever been. :) I will do this regularly now. Just thought I would share that with everyone cuz I was really amazed with the results.


Has anyone else tried it?

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I have also sprayed myself (skin - not hair) with aloe vera after spryaing Maxi with it. I actually started doing it because she still really HATES that spray bottle, and I wanted to show her that it was really harmless and I'd spray myself with it, too. Of course, it turned out it was also good for my skin. I had a bang-up case of poison ivy in October - occupational hazard for me - and I swear the aloe vera sped up the healing. I also know it works very well on burns - I used to keep a plant around and use the "sap" if I burned myself in the kitchen. Maybe I'll try it on my hair now, too - I never thought of that for some reason. Thanks Erika!


Now if only I could convince Maxi that spray bottle is okay - she still doesn't like it...

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Thanks for letting us know about it working on the skin. I'm going to try that, too. I was going to ask if any body tried it any other ways but forgot. I used to keep the aloe vera plants around too for burns but haven't had one in awhile.


And Dan, here's what you could do so your wife will try it...get a decorative spray bottle or write your own label as "Ever So Soft Hair Care" or something like that:laugh: . Put the aloe vera in it and give it to her as a gift. She will be so touched you would not be in the dog house at all but in good standings for awhile:P

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