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Micro- chips


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You're serious? He's such a mild mannered man. I've heard about his work with kids. I have some old tapes of him and Wayne when he was about 6 or 7 yrs old. He never flaunts the fact that he's Wayne's dad. I've seen interviews with him. I remember the look on his face when Wayne broke Bobby Orr's record for most goals in a season. Wayne's records will never be surpassed. The best thing to watch back then when Edmonton was on a roll??? Wayne and Mark Messier delieving an unbelieveable one, two punch. Imagine being a goalie and seeing both of them racing down on you! Pass to the left, pass to the right, Grettz goes behind the net, sneaks out, short pass to Mark, shot off Wayne's skate. BANG, all over, end of story, back to the dressing room----Best goalie ever? Patrick Roy

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So we get a little off track once and awhile it lightens the mood:laugh:


It still doesn't make everyone here or visiting devert from the original subject - Micro chipping


I am now on a fact finding mission to find out as much as I can and will post all that I find. I have e-mails out to several top Avian vets for there thoughts and also to find out how the SPCA and humane societies are doing with this very new idea and if they have any numbers on if it is working. Keeping in mind this is all going to be gathered in Ontario Canada and may not have any thing to do with any other part of the world.


Carolyn & Mika

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My take on micro-chipping is if you want to increase your odds from 0% to some percentage of finding your grey or any other critter is to do it.


The odds of your Parrot or any other critter being returned to anyone that loses a critter. Is of course equal to the amount of advertising by calls, emails, posts on websites, posters, notifying all SPCA, shelters, rescues and canvasing your local area notifying all you neighbors in that surrounding area.


The chip makes it easier and quicker for a facility that has a scanner to find the owner, as does a dog or cat tag.


I have not had my Grey chipped, but all Dogs have been for years. I have never lost a Dog, but I guess if nothing else, it gives additional peace of mind knowing that IF they did end up in a facility with readers, I would be called.


What I am REALLY interested in, is a transmitting device, like Lojack for cars, like I have in my SS Camaro, that could be tracked by receiving devices.


Technology is not their yet to be small enough to implant that would send a signal powerful enough to be detected by sensitive receivers, but it will come. That will be the time that everyone will be able to locate their much loved critter in real-time and find them in minutes.


Now IF they happen to be a flighted critter, the BIG challenge is getting them down out of that 100 foot tall tree, one you find them!!! :-)


As far as hockey goes, I am in San Jose California, most the week and you all know what team is here....... The SHARKS!!! :-)

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This is an old post but I'm bringing it back. I've been thinking about having Ziva microchipped and was surprised to see people have differing opinions on it. I'm in Los Angeles and the vets here check for chips for free. I've never heard of anyone charging to check.


My wanting to have her chipped is in case she does get lost and then found, I can prove she's mine. I'm also checking in to having her DNA kept as proof. Yes, I'm sure I can teach her to say my phone number but I don't usually keep a number for more than a couple of years and I can't imagine keeping one for the next 50 years. And area codes are added here quite frequently.


My other reason for chipping is in case she's stolen. I want to be able to prove she's mine. I figure if I have as much evidence as possible, I will get her back.


Edited to add that it's not unusual for parrots to be found and turned over to the animal shelter. They will also now check for a chip.


And by the way, I love hockey also. We couldn't stand Gretzky and called him "girlie man." I even tortured my brothers one year and put up Gretzky wallpaper in their bedroom. As soon as he came to LA, we loved him!<br><br>Post edited by: ZivaDiva, at: 2009/04/06 22:16

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