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Grey Poets????


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Greetings everyone,


Well, I'm at a loss as to what has gotten into Bella as it relates to her language development. She's 18 months now and she's developed a pretty good vocabulary. But lately she's taken to making things rhyme!! I'm trying to catch her doing it on web cam so I can show you - it's really bizzarre! Have you seen greys do this?


Here's and example - she picked up "whoopdeedo" on TV. She learned peak-a-boo from my grand daughter. Now she'll say in this sing song voice




:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


My grand daughter also taught her the "too-di-tah" song, so Bella would go "too-di-tah, too-di-tah, too-di-tah tah" which is what she learned from Haley (my grand daughter)Now she adds on too-di-boo-ba, peak-a-doo-da


??????? Do parrots knowhow to make ryhmes??? have you heard this before?? It's a riot! She sings it in all different toons, bouncing around on her tippy toes, making faces that just makes me roll!

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Terri it doesn't surprise me what Bella comes up with, you have an amazing grey, very smart and full of herself, quite the character and I love hearing your stories of her antics and feats.


I hope you do catch this rhyming on video as it would be something to hear.:cheer:

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That is so neat. I bet you were shocked when you started hearing the rhymes. I know I would be. It wouldn't surprise me if she knows what she is doing. They are such smart birds. I would encourage it as much as possible. I would love to see some videos of it if you can catch it on tape. :)

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judygram wrote:

Terri it doesn't surprise me what Bella comes up with, you have an amazing grey, very smart and full of herself, quite the character and I love hearing your stories of her antics and feats.


I hope you do catch this rhyming on video as it would be something to hear.:cheer:


LOL I'm trying to catch her Judy - but the minute I turn on the cam, she's interested in messing with it, and stops what she's doing. Oh for heaven sakes LOL! She managed to dump all her toys from her toy box over the side of the table and she's standing here whining like the dogs!!!

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BaxtersMom wrote:

That is so neat. I bet you were shocked when you started hearing the rhymes. I know I would be. It wouldn't surprise me if she knows what she is doing. They are such smart birds. I would encourage it as much as possible. I would love to see some videos of it if you can catch it on tape. :)


Well, I started looking around in her environment to see if she was picking it up from somewhere. But she's making this stuff up as she goes - it changes all the time, but it always rhymes! Is that bizzarre or what!!


I'm going to try to do a stealth video on her, see if I can catch her doing it. She does it mostly first thing in the morning and then at dusk. Jiggy does thruogh his regular conure calls, and Bella starts her poetry recitals :laugh:

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luvparrots wrote:

Terri, Bella sounds like a very smart grey. Like Judy and Erika, I would luv to see a video of Bella and her rhyming. Bella is such a jewel and I luv her stories. Thanks for sharing them.!




It's my pleasure sharing - thank you all for listening!


She really blows me away sometimes. People down south in the bird club have been asking for her lineage because they told me she's far more outgoing than what they're used to seeing in greys. When one lady baby sat her, she played with every single toy she was offered without any fuss or inhibition. She really messed around with one of her other sitters, playing peak-a-boo with her all evening rahter than letting her go to bed :laugh:


So, I'm trying to get information about her parents for them. Since our stuff is still in storage and her leg band is in my jewel box, I can't get it until we move. But I think it would be interesting to see how her siblings evovled, and we might be able to find that out once we get her clutch number. Since she's my frist grey, I have no idea if we're doing something or if she's just an outgoing, gregarious blabber mouth all on her own :laugh:


Either way, I've got to catch this rhyming - it is just a riot!




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judygram wrote:

Josey seems to lead a dull life compared to Bella, she just won't do those shenigans that Bella does and I am constantly amazed by Terri's stories of what she does to make her laugh so much but keep em coming for we love to hear them.:laugh: :lol: :cheer:


Oy Judy - Bella can be a handful - trust me! She really is like having a human 2 year old around! Now that she's flighted, I'm doing double time keeping her out of trouble :blink: If don't give her something to play with, and keep her busy, she finds things to get into, and that's NOT a good thing!


Yesterday while I was picking up her toys and her little play marbles, I tossed them into her toy box and she grabbed them and threw them right back out. She seemed to get a bang out of my tossing those little round things into the box. That made me think it might be interesting to get her one of those birdy basket ball games. Anyone tried those out? I think she'd dig that - to her EVERYTHING is a game- including chasing Jiggy around :laugh:

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Baxter is a pretty dull boy himself but still mentally he is sharp as a tack. He is a thinker. And when I try to catch something on video, he knows that too, as soon as the camera is on, he stops everything and either tries to beak the camera or sit like a statue and not move:laugh: So I know how hard it can be to get something cute on tape. We will be patient though. ;)

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judygram wrote:

You know I have seen those basketball games sized for birds but just never thought Josey would be interested but I bet Bella would have a ball, pun intended:woohoo:


You've seen them? Do you remember where? We're right about at that point again where Bella has worked through all her toys and is ready for something new :unsure: Dang!!!!!! Like my toe right about now!!! What an imp!I dared put my foot on the table just now and she came running over, nipped me in the toe and ran off syaing "ouch, ouch ouch" :S :S :S You know, sometimes I wonder what it would be like to pull that bright red tail of hers when she does something like that!!!

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BaxtersMom wrote:

:evil: LOL<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/12/17 03:18


{Feel-bad-00020080} Oh well.... ! I think I'm going to try to get her to bed now - she's trashed the table pretty well.


I'll work on that video and hopefully I can get her doing one of her long recitals!




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LOL Terri - I start reading this new thread this morning and you went from having a poet Grey to crashed and burned and heading off to bed. Good reading :-)


Hopefully you can get a video of Bella performing her poetry. That would be GreyT!! :-)

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judygram wrote:

I knew you could do it Terri and she is something else, I love how she cavorts around on the table like she owns the place, opps:blush: she does own the place:whistle: doesn't she, thanks for capturing and sharing that with us.:laugh: :P;)


:laugh: Thanks for the vote of confidence Judy! yes, she owns everything - could you hear her saying "look, look, look"? That's one of her latest ones too. She cracks me up! I wish I could have captured her whole diatribe with the whoopdeedoo too :laugh: I'll keep a ready cam handy!

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