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Grey's Attitude


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After spending quality time with my grey -5months old-(we still didnt name him because we r waiting for inspiration for what fits him the most when we get to know him) which would be almost a month now i noticed that these birds really got some attitude!

They are very loving and they melt your heart with their mumbling in a baby voice but then you try to get him out of his cage and suddenly its a different character if he's not in the mood to get out he just gives out this noise which i can best describe as groaning/growling not sure really, he moves along the perch towards the end of the cage or starts climbing all around it. Sometime he politley turns his back to me :). Ofcourse i try to repect that and leave him alone and i say try because i give it several shots thinking maybe he will give in after i talk to him or pet him.


Most recently i noticed him getting angry on several occassions while playing with his toys if he has a hard time getting a grip on it or for some reason it annoyed him he would let out this loud scream and tosses it! or while he is climbing his cage he would get frustrated for some reason and scream ( the scream is more like a louder version of the growl)that i witnessed once today.


It amazes me how he can be so sweet and loving and suddenly become Mr. Attitude to me that is quite a mystery.


I dunno if greys usually have that attitude or my grey has an attitude problem which i would love to work around if i get some advice from you guys.

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This is pretty typical grey behavior, from what

I hear on here. :P My TAG Maxi seems to be the Mellow Princess, because I don't see very much of this, but I can't tell you how many people here have reported this sudden rough play with their toys (especially bells). It seems to do them good - I wouldn't worry about it! Don't you ever suddenly feel like giving a punching bag a good workout? I guess it's sort of like that.:lol:

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Yes Nhrh, this is typical grey behavior, my Josey is a pretty much laid back grey but she has her moments that she can get downright vicious and it is mostly to do with a bell. It probably helps release some frustrations so don't worry about that.


He is telling you he is not ready to come out of his cage if he is moving away from you or turning his back on you, he is asserting his independence, his right to make his own choices so back off and try him a little later.

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Oh yes they do have attitudes which I think is great and so funny to watch. One miute our male can be as sweet as pie to me and the next he is bashing all hell out of a toy.


Ours also have their mad moments where they fly like crazy around the house chasing each other and screaming at the same time. It is so funny to watch.


They definitely have times when they want to be left alone and let you know. Our male is usually the one who will simply walk away and our female will look at me like what the hell do you want and I know that they both need their own time.

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Well its good to know that this is part of their character and its normal.

I will give him his space whenever he asks for it without bieng pushy.

But i will always be fascinated by his attitude and sudden change of character! hehe :D

Thanks guys

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As others have said, they do indeed have an attitude. It is almost a jekell and hyde sudden burst. They will be playing with a toy of some type and all of a sudden "Get Bad" with it, bite it, scream at it, fling then jump on it etc. I find it funny as hell and great entertainment that keeps me laughing everytime he does it. :laugh:


It is alarming the first time you hear it or see it though!!

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