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Trip or Home Alone???


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My 6 year old african grey, ChaCha has only been with me 3 weeks. He is getting used to things slowly. He's still on the scared side. I also have a 5 year old Yellow Nape Amazon, Boozle. I have left Boozle for a weekend a couple of times locked in her cage and had a friend come over and check on her food and water once a day and everything was fine.


My question is should I take him or leave him? I am going to a big family get together and don't want to upset him anymore since he is getting used to being here somewhat. I thought it might undo what we have accomplished. We plan to leave early Sat morn. and return by 6 pm Sunday night. I have a friend that will check on them Sunday and feed/water them if needed.


Any suggestions or thoughts from you long term grey owners!

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I am no expert, but I think if I were in your shoes, I would probably leave Cha Cha with Boozle this time, and take the opportunity to let him see that if you leave you will make sure someone takes care of him. It's a tough call: I'm choosing this because he's very new to your environment and you say he's still rather spooky. I would think the peace and quiet, (together with Boozle, who can model for him that it's okay) might be easier on him than being brought into a big family gathering, where a lot of "strangers" (to him) are focusing their attention on him, and convesely the attention he is used to getting from you will undoubtedly be at least somewhat usurped by them as well.


Could your friend possibly also spend a half hour or so at least chatting and talking with the birds, as well as checking on food and water? Could you leave a radio or TV on a timer to help keep them entertained?


Let us know what you decide, and how it works out!

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Hi Boocha, I would have your friend come over and get acquainted with your birds first. So they are use to the voice and what the person looks like. Have the person feed and water them a couple of times before you leave. I would also like to see your friend stop by on Saturday as well as Sunday for a little while to feed, water, and talk to your birds. Having a radio and the birds in the same room are excellent ideas. Good luck and have fun on your family get-together.


Happy Holidays!!party-090.gif<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/12/17 01:50

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Hi LindaMary, thanks for the input. I am leaning toward leaving him with Boozle. Boozle does fine when I take her off somewhere but I am real concerned right now with ChaCha. He is coming along great (he's actually sitting with me watching me type this) Every day he does a little more and lets me skritch him more. Once he lets me skritch his head he will lay his head on me and let me cuddle him...I have been so surprised about this. Anyway, yes, I have a friend, Ramona, that lives a couple of blocks from me that will come and she brings her coffee and chats with Boozle. Boozle likes her, (Ramona taught her to sing Strokin')LOL. I have a timer already for the radio.


My husband says I am as worrisome about my birds as I was our babies when they were young! ChaCha4px.jpg


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I have plans for Ramona to come over and piddle with the birds. She is a bit afraid of them but Boozle likes her and she's crazy about Boozle. ChaCha will like her too. My daughter came in the first time she had seen ChaCha and he lifted his foot up and got right on her arm and she petted him and he was in love....He didn't do that for me the first time I met him! I guess he had a crush on her..... He is doing better now though...but still not as free as I hope he will be as he gets comfortable here.


My dad will soon be 80 and I want all 6 of his children to be there for our Christmas get together and I have been the one NOT being there the last 2 years so I really want to go.....I have this Mother syndrome that wants to please everyone, including the birds!LOL


Thanks for all the input. I just knew this forum would be a great one......I am bleary eyed from trying to read all the past post!


Sorry about ChaCha's photo being so large...I will work on that.....

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Boocha wrote:

My husband says I am as worrisome about my birds as I was our babies when they were young!



Your husband is right!!!


I think Cha Cha will do fine at home with Boozle for company and your neighbor friend coming over and seeing that they have food and water, have a great family get together.

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I think I would leave ChaCha home with Boozles this time mainly because he is new to your home and settling in so well. He might not ready for an outing. It might upset him if he isn't used to traveling yet. Besides, ChaCha must be used to Boozle by now and they probably he will be fine knowing Boozle is there with him. And it sounds like you have a good friend that is willig to help out and they will be in good hands. Try not to worry too much while you are at your Family Gathering. :)


I love the picture of ChaCha. He's a great looking grey.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/12/17 02:38

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His previous owner drove to the coast about once a month from Atlanta with him his first 4 years so I think he would travel well, but I just want him to feel comfortable here and with me more so he won't be afraid if we go off where it's different.


I knew I would get some good input here if I ventured out and ask what was on my mind!


Thanks all!

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Oh yes, you will get lots of input here. Thats why we are here:) , something is bound to work for you with all the answers you get.


I know I said I would probably leave him this time but since he is used to traveling anyway and if you think he may be up to the trip, then take him along. He might be okay because he has you and Boozle there with him. If you think he is doing good and settling in good, perhaps it may be best to take him. It might even help you worry less while you are gone.

I don't see any harm in taking him unless he was a wild frightened grey. Let us know what you decide.

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I lean towards leaving ChaCha at home. Boozle will be there and since ChaCha has only been in your home and with you etc as for 3 weeks I think leavin him would be the least stressful approach. 3 weeks is barely enough time for most birds to begin feeling secure in their surroundings, not to mention a new owner. I think the stress of having him travel to a new place at this point might be greater than leaving him at your place for a few days w/o you, where he is just becoming comfortable. He probably would be fine with either approach, but I would leave him B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/12/17 07:32

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Those are my thoughts too. I think it would freak him out more to go with us than stay here this trip. I do have to prepare him for hurricane evacuations though at some point but hopefully not until next June. Boozle is a pro at that!


My daughter has actually helped make the decision! She has decided to go with the two grandkids and they will have to ride with us so there would be no room to take the birds this trip. All of you have made me feel more comfortable leaving them here with your input!... Of course the grandkids want to take the birds and neither bird is crazy about kids and we have seven (grandkids that is). SO, I am going to leave the birds in Ramona's hands! She is coming over the next couple of days and talk to ChaCha and feed him and Boo.


On a another note, ChaCha seems to be feeling more at home. He is letting me pet him and pick him up off his cage. He sat with me watching TV last night and I rolled him on his back and he snuggled under my neck! I thought greys were not snuggle type birds but he sure is! He is talking but not so much when we are in the room. My husband thought someone was in one of the bedrooms but it was ChaCha in the kitchen....can they throw their voices... ???

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Boocha you sound so much more confident and relaxed with you decision, as it should be. I believe you have covered the care of ChaCha and Boozle very well with much care and thought. Ramona is a jewel and you are truly lucky to have such a great friend. I wish you and your family a marvelous and loving family time. Give Dad a big hug from all of us!!! Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!


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Thanks a bunch luvparrots. I feel a lot better hearing from you guys. They will be in good hands with Ramona.


I plan to enjoy my short and sweet trip with family as it has been a while since we have all been together!

Hope you all have a very merry Christmas also....


I have to read the quote below every day! It helps,,,,




An angel says, "Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice......[/ol]

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