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baby grey losing feathers


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for about 5 weeks now my baby grey has been losing feathers, it started with her red tail feathers which all came out, now she has new ones growing in, she is 7 months old, whats concerning me is she has lost an awful lot of wing feathers, seems to be same amount on each wing, she is having trouble flying now, i can feel sharp spikey things in her wings and undernaath her tail, took her to breeder who said shes molting, i just want to be sure, she is now pulling and snapping feathers off her back, i know they could just be old feathers and they could be causing her pain as her new ones come in its just shes really mangled her back feathers although no bald spots, any ideas?<br><br>Post edited by: almorrison, at: 2008/12/15 13:48

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almorrison - You say "she is now pulling and snapping feathers off her back"


What exactly do you mean by this? I she literally biting them half way down for example? Is he Literally ripping them out of their sockets? If so, you have a plucking problem. A 7 month old CAG does not molt out all it's tail and wing feathers first. The neck, chest and underbelly small feathers along with tons of downy are the first to molt out.


Please give a little more description of what you are seeing specifically. Also, if you could post a photo of some of those feathers that have been snapped or pulled it would help greatly. :-)

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