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A question about trimming flight feathers

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Hi, Cosmo hasn't had his flight feathers clipped since I brought him home from his breeder. He's now able to take flight. I'm debating wether to clip his wing or not. I take every precaution to ensure his saftey, his ability to take flight hasn't produced any baleful results...yet. He stays outside of his cage only when I'm home, of course, and I watch him like a hawk (no pun intended). I know it's a matter of choice, however if someone who has some expierience with their Grey, both flighted and clipped, would share some of the pros and cons, I'll have more to go on when I decide.


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My opinion is let him keep his flight feathers and allow him the freedom of flight especially since you take the precautions, no open doors or windows and such. The other members who do have flighted birds do enjoy seeing them flying about the house and I am allowing Josey's wings to grow out so she can fly too.

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If he is starting to become somewhat flighted, let him continue to gain strength, coordination and continue to replace those clipped feathers as they molt out. If you are comfortable with the thought, as you seem to be.


There really are no negatives to keeping or letting a bird become fully flighted. You just need to take precautions to ensure he does not have an opportunity to fly out the door. Teach him the boundaries of kitchen, what hot stuff is and whats off limits at all times. They are highly intelligent and learn these things rapidly.


Their cardio system and general over all health also becomes superior to that of a non-flighted bird.


My Grey and Conure are both fully flighted and I would not have any Parrot any other way. :-)


You will not believe the acrobatics and aerobatics you start seeing, once they become more confident and skilled.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rick: when I came here Mazy didn't fly for her first 13 years. She has now grown ouit and flys well. It's the landings that had to be learned . But with the help of these folks I worked with her flying her into the sofa seat from farther and farther so as she learned she didn't hurt herself. She now comes and goes to the designated bird stops throughout the house. We have a huge house with large cathedral area and railings. I'm glad I brought her to flight. Our cockatoo is flighted also.

Check my posts listed below on new flight.<br><br>Post edited by: MazyAK, at: 2009/01/04 05:35

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My grey was clipped when I got him. He is now fully flighted and has been for a good few years now. without doubt it is better to leave fully flighted if at all possible. I have had my tiels wings clipped because he kept flying to the grey but by the time warmer weather returnes he to will be flighted and can spend time in the outside aviery to get his exercise.

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