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Aviator on a linnie?


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Well, I'm now in the process of waiting for the two Aviator harnesss to get here, 1 for Jacko, the other for Sully the tiel. Hopefully they'll both be harness trained by the time summer rolls around again so I can take them out and about.

That said, I feel bad for leaving Altair (the creamino linnie) inaide all by his lonesome while the other two can venture outside. I didn't get one for him because he falls below the minimum weight of 75 grams for the smallest aviator harness, he weighs in at 55-60 grams. I'd like to test out the petite harness I'm getting for the tiel on him to see if he fits in it, if he does I'll buy one for him.

Does anyone have any experience putting an aviator on a large lovebird-sized bird? Will he fit okay? Should I disregard the weight requirement if he fits? He's definetly not as tall as the tiel is but he's definetly as wide (he's a stocky little guy)and it's not as if the aviator has bulky snaps and clips on it.

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On the Aviator Harness web site they do have a link to ask questions in regards to there harnesses, I would ask them what the pros and cons are in regards to a large lovebird-sized bird. I am sure they would be able to give you the answers you need. Just a thought;)


Carolyn & Mika

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