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Getting Close to my TAG


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I posted 4 days ago in the Welcome Room that I got my TAG 'Keemo' last wednesday, in the first 2 days he did not accept me to get close to the cage, today he allows me to feed him which is hopefully a good sign ... i started providing him food through the cage bars then slowly i opened the cage door and started to give him the food while my hand is actually inside the cage.


however my point is, whenever i have food in my hand he will allow me be next to him and put my hand inside the cage, nevertheless, if i even touched the cage bars without having any food in my hands he will start growling and growling ,,,


do you think i should keep on providing food to him until he gets used to me?


a friend of mine told me that even if he growls i should keep on putting my naked hand on the cage bars until he stops growling..and i should not let him get used to me provding food only ... please advise.

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Four Days is nothing, time wise in introducing any Parrot to a new home and people. You have gained huge ground in just this small amount of time to have him accept nuts or other treats from your hand. Do not push him. Putting your hands in the cage bars without a treat, knowing he is growling and going to bite you is just a nightmare waiting to happen, namely to YOUR fingers.


It takes time and patience for any Parrot to come around to the point of accepting you. This is all based on trust developed over time as they let you come a little closer each time and they observe your actions and reactions. If you start pushing too hard, you could seriously damage the great progress you have already made.


Sit near his cage, read, watch TV, offer treats now and then and just let him chill with you right there in close proximity. He'll come around at his own pace. :-)

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I don't have any pictures, but I can tell you, your finger flesh is like butter to a knife. If they are determined to take a chunk, they can severe blood veins and tendons as they bite completely through the flesh of your finger. I have watched mine bite through a chicken leg bone in one quick snap and crack open shelled Almonds like a nutcracker, if this gives you any idea. :pinch: It all just depends on how committed they are to doing serious damage or just a painful warning.

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Sounds like you are very afraid of being bitten. Well we all get bitten. I have a new baby TAG 4 months old, Ana Grey, she luvs to be cuddled BUT, she uses her mouth as her hands, they all do, and when she steps up she still grabs hold, sometimes not too gently. I say no and she gives me that, "Well when I trust your fingers are steady I'll stop, MAYBE!!" look. Ana runs to her cage door to get out when she sees me. It all has to do with TRUST, you don't trust Bebo and so he doesn't trust you. Back off, give him a chance to get comfortable and that won't happen until he stops sensing you are afraid. It will all come if you relax, talk gently, give him lots of healthy treats, and let him come to you. My best wishes for you and Bebo!!:kiss:

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