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Introducing Harry


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Hi I'd like to introduce Harry, a Timgo. Mummy was Timneh, Daddy a Congo. He's 5 months old & we've been together about a month now. My other pets are 3 dogs 3 cats 2 cockatiels, chickens, & a man (the least well trained, but he was a rescue!).

In another life I worked dogs in obedience, & I think puppies should experience lots of new situations early. We live in Scotland & the weather here is cold & wet, I want to introduce the car & travel, but should I wait until better weather, when Harry will be about 9 months. He was hand reared and he sometimes "begs", so I started spoon feeding in the evening. He loves this, he also wants to eat my dinner, breakfast, lunch. He steals food from my partner, & is very insistant. How do I modify this behaviour & teach him manners?

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Hi and welcome to the Forum, lots of great people here and loads of information. Sounds like you have quite the flock there.

You will find that a lot of members here allow there birds to eat there main meals from the table with them, me included, about manners well!!! Mika has terrible table manners but we put up with them because we love him:laugh: He does have his own bowl/plate and table mat which he does eat on, but helps himself to our plates also.

You mentioned dog training in your post, some of your training with Harry will be the same, patience and reward for good behavior but patience being the big key with lots of praise. Mika at 8 months still begs, but now it is, I think just to make me fix his cereal faster he is very impatient when it comes to his breakfast which I do still feed him with a spoon every morning.

Check out our Nursery room you will find lots of great information from members there, and remember if you dont see it just ask.


Carolyn & Mika

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Welcome Bikermol and Harry!!


It's GreYt having you here. I would love to see photos of your Timgo, as they are very rare.


One thing about Parrots, whats theirs is theirs, whats yours is theirs and if anything else is not covered under that rule, it's theirs. :-)


If you really do not want to be interrupted while dinning, place your Grey in the cage until finished. The other option is to place him on a stand and return him everytime he gets off until you ask him to do so. This will take time and patience, but it is doable.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Wow another hybrid! Cant wait to see pictures of Harry.


I live in the UK as well and it sure is cold and miserable at the moment. I would still harness train Harry indoors then hopefully you will be fine when we eventually get round to some nice weather next year.


He sounds very involved with your family already!


Enjoy your new baby and make sure you read round the threads, I hope you will find them useful.



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