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Hi, I am new to parrots, but took the plunge 3 weeks ago and bought Harry, a 16 week hybrid congo/timneh.I was a dog trainer, obedience, and I know early socialisation is a must. However, dogs mature fast. How does this equate to Harry? I want to harness train him, and take him in the car. At this time of year though its cold and wet. The experiences for him will not be good. Will he still be "young" at 9 months, when the weather will be better. In the meatime, what socialising activities can I do with him.

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You are still able to harness train him, even if its cold and wet out side. I trained Mika with a harness which took me about a good month to let him get happy with having to were it. We live in Canada and there is snow and cold here but Mika gets him harness on each day just to be carried around the house and to stay used to it, if you want to wait 9 months is not to late to train him but I myself feel the younger the better as they seem to accept new things easier.

Socialising in the winter here is hard because of the weather but Mika travels to every room in the house each day, spends time in front of the windows and when people are over he has a table perch so he is in the middle of all that is going on in the house. He is very much a part of the family with the dog and cat and joins in all activities going on.


Carolyn & Mika

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Hi as Carolyn said, the earlier the better. Harness training can be done round the house,and when visitors are over is the ideal time to introduce him to other people.I have a wingabago carrier for my grey which is a plexiglass enclosed carrier and that is ideal for going in the car when the weather is cold or wet.A good idea is to have him happily going in a carrier so he is not upset when he has to, vet visits ect. Charlie was introduced to his slowley over a few weeks and given lots of treats in there. I also ensured his carrier means good thing are happening, he goes in it daily in the nice weather to be transported to his outside aviery. There are many things you can do over the winter to prepare your baby for his adventures in the spring.

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