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Thinking Of Getting A Grey


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Hi all! This is my first post so listen up! B) (just kidding)


I've been thinking about this for a while now (a little over two years) and I had my heart set on a getting a trained crow.


I happened upon a grey at a local pet shop that was beginning to talk and I absolutely fell in love with them!


I have quite a few pets now, so I know I won't be able to get such a costly pet at this time, but I want to know if it's worth it. Is it better than getting a dog?



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Hi and welcome MushuPorka,


Well there are lots of things that you must think about.


Like what do you want out of the grey?

You have time to spend with the grey?



Personally to me you cant compare the two, I had many dogs in my life from a young age the last dog we had was a Golden Retriever he was adorable and very cleaver. But very sadly we had to let him go because we had to move. Now we don’t have space for dogs. My fiancé wanted a small lap dog but when I showed her some African Grey’s and took her to some different pet stores she fell in love with these birds. I have been reading about African Greys for about two years now too. And I got my grey MAX a 10days ago and he is already part of the family they adapt so quickly to you and there surroundings.


So to me personally I would say YES it is worth it to get a Grey. But do stick around this is a very helpful forum you would get some good advice from the members here.

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Guest briansmum

you can't compare a dog and a grey! don't get me wrong, i love dogs! but a grey is like no other pet i've ever had. and if anyone tells you theyre not affectionate and you can't cuddle them, don't listen! my grey enjoys a cuddle just as much as any puppy would.


splint is very right though, you need to have lots of time to devote to a new grey particularly if he is a baby and you need to continue the hand feeding for a little while. if it is something you have been thinking about for so long you should look into it some more, maybe visit that pet shop again interact with the grey there.


they are wonderful creatures and with lots of love and care are sure to make you a friend for life

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That is so true they could cuddle too, Max loves to cuddle. They like to find the warm places, I was working on my pc last night and he was on my shoulder. Wasen't long then he cuddled in btw the chair and my back and he fell asleep there. So I called my fiance to come and take him out after about 1 hour or so because I could not move.


Like xxbeccyxx said go back to the pet store and start playing and interacting there with them. If the breeder will let you hold some of them, go for it and hold them you will see how they interact with you.


Yeah handfeeding takes quite some time to prepare. The food has to be the right temp and you need to work out how much does your baby eat so that next time you could prepare the right amount etc. Make sure you don't over feed him or under feed him. I am on 2 times a day now one feed at 06:00am and when I get home at about 18:00pm. When Max hears the Kettle boiling he is already making such funny noises because he knows that it is feeding time.


They are wonderfull pets. ;)

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Better than ANY other animal!!!! :lol: I have two dogs, 2 cats, and a couple of g. pigs...Birds are better by a LONG shot...they can play by themselves, you don't have to walk them, they don't chase the mailman, you don't have to paper/crate train them, Birds are self amused for the most part, they can be "potty trained" if you want, they don't stink like wet dog, and just as cuddley. And they can warn you of intruders or danger..if not more! I will NEVER have another animal(dog or cat) and I love animals, but I will get another bird(s):cheer:

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I'll add to that - to change a slightly dodgy saying 'once you go flap, you won't go back'! I wanted a pet for some good company, and you really can't get better than a parrot! They do need alot of time to be happy - not in the same way as a dog - but just to be out and about with you interacting with them. I think it's really great that you've not rushed into buying a bird, and you're taking the time to think about it. I think alot of other people on the forum will know of people who've got birds without thinking about it, and have done a terrible job looking after them as a result. So my advice would be not to rush into it, but if you think you can make the commitment, then go for it - birds are the best pets by a very long way!



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Guest Monique

Greys are absolutely wonderful. I would say if they were the exact opposite of something it is the Golden Retriever!!


- A Golden Retriever wants to please you, loves noise rowdiness, to bound and play, will forgive you if you spanked him as a puppy, will jump on you like he hasn't seen you for days when you go on a weeks' vacation

- A Grey is a wild animal from Africa, completely undomesticated in genes, likes stability, quiet, and kindness, remembers and may not forget for quite some time if you lose his trust, and the same goes for if you go on a weeks' vacation


Lucky owners will have Greys a very long time (over 30 years) and so from a cost perspective they are really not that perspective when you think of the years of joy you will get from their companionship.


They required a dedicated, patient owner who enjoys the unique earned relationship with a wild bird and all of the idiosyncracies that go with that.

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