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Travelling with Jacko


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Well seeing as old man winter has stormed in here in Canada and the holidays are here again, I've decided that I'd like to bring Jacko with me when I go to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Since he's the most attached to me (and most temperamental to handle for others) I figure it'll be easier for everyone if he just comes with me. It'll be nice not to have to juggle bird schedules (ever have to bird wrangle three scared birds who don't like each other after the power goes out so you can get them back into their cages lol?). So weather permitting, he'll be coming with me in a week or so.

Now, here's my question, I can transport him in and out of the car to get there A-OK (already got his carrier) but it's where to put him when I get there. I can't bring his cage, it's huge and it's attached to the tiel's cage. He'll be out alot while i'm there but he still might have to spend a couple hours a day locked up, so I don't want to use his carrier. What can I use? The only constraint is it has to be relatively cheap. I've tried looking at some big tiel cages but these are borderline sufficient for him. Could I use a dog crate or something like that, provided it's clean, with the right bar spacing and not rusted?

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I would think a dog crate or something similar would be fine as long as it meets the right requirements. My Josey has had to stay the week in a travel cage but she was allowed some out of cage time so for a short term it is ok but for a longer period of time I would have to have something bigger. But as long as he will be out of the cage most of the time then it does not matter that his cage is not so big.

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The cage that Dave has shown you on Ebay is the exact same cage I use for Biggles when we go on our travels. I call it his Biggles Caravan hee hee.

Biggles loves his caravan as he knows whenever I put him in it that he'll be going out and about.

I put toys in the cage exactly the same as I do his big cage at home, and have never had any problems.

The only thing I will suggest, and it all depends on what locking mechanism is on the cage that you get, is perhaps think about tying it shut with something as Biggles has already figured out how to open the cage.

Clever lil so and so lol :lol:


Enjoy your holiday trip!!!



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