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Please help me, my baby is ill


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Hi, i am desperate for help. My 3 month old african grey, Obi, is ill. It all started this morning when i saw that his toes on his left foot were all facing forward and he seemed to have no control of his one side. I took him to the only avian vet in Cyprus and he told me that he has pbfd and that he'll die. I ve searched the internet for symptoms of the disease and found out that he doesn't have the feather symptoms or dhiaria or any of the symtoms described. What he really has is that he is almost paralysed as he now has no control on the right side of his body too. He cant even open his beak and i syringe fed him. He wants to move but he cant... please help me, i need another opinion but there is no other avian vet in the whole island. Please help, i just want to know what's wrong and if there is anything i can do for him...

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Hi Elena, your baby needs to be under the care of an avian vet ASAP, are you sure there is not another one you could consult? I would have to say it does not look good for your Obi but only an avian vet would know, please seek help immediately I implore you.


I am sorry to hear your Obi is ill and hope you get help but I will keep you and him in my thoughts and prayers for a miracle for him.

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The disease normally falls into two categories.


1. Depression of the immune system


2. Beak, skin and feather abnormality.


I do know that the disease does progress more rapidly in young birds.


You really have to keep a close eye on this baby Elena and make sure he is not in pain and suffering.

If the diagnosis is correct and your vet is correct in what he is saying the outlook may not be a good one and sometimes it is kinder for the bird to consider euthanasia if the birds quality of life is in question.


I am sorry I cant give a second opinion, someone who knows more about this will be online later and I know he will reply to your thread.


How long have you had the bird and did you get any health gaurantee from the breeder/shop?



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I am sorry your baby bird is so ill. I cant offer a second opinion only advise you to continue looking for a vet who can give you another oppinion.From what you say it sounds to me like some sort of brain or spine problem. Has he fallen or had a crash landing at any time. I am sorry I cant help more.

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I can only tell you the symptoms and what you describe doesn't fit these symptoms-----


Symptoms include irreversible loss of feathers, shedding of developing feathers, development of abnormal feathers, new pinched feathers, and loss of powder down. Other possible symptoms include overgrown or abnormal beak, symmetrical lesions on the beak and occasionally nails.

Immunosuppression, rapid weight loss, and depression are also possible in later stages of the disease.


Secondary viral, fungal, bacterial or parasitic infections often occurs as a result of diminished immunity caused by a PBFD viral infection. Additional symptoms not mentioned above including elevated white cell counts are generally due to secondary infections and may not be directly related to PBFD virus infections.


I personally believe that your bird has had an stroke and what makes me believe that is the fact that you said it happened overnight.

I also believe that you need another vet to go to because after a diagnosis of PBFD depending upon the seriousness of the problem, many treatments can be applied by the vet and we can't possibly tell you about those treatments because of how individual those treatments are. Your bird is extremely young and you do need to see a vet who has experience in dealing many parrot diseases. Even a stroke is dealt with in different ways. I'm sorry that we can't give you the information you want but compare it to a person who's had a stroke..it needs to be dealt with immediately and the cnditions of the event have to be dealt with depending on what kind of stroke it is.

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Oh, this is terrible. The others have given you the best advice. Your baby is certainly showing stroke symptoms or possibly a partially broken neck, from the description you give.


I hope and pray he pulls through and that you find another vet that is more knowledgeable than the first.

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thank you so much everyone, a blood test was done but the vet said that he has to send it to another country and we wont have the results until a few days time. I have called him again an hour ago expressing my doupts of what he said because the symptoms dont fit the illness but he told me that he s sure it s pbdf... I ve cheched the internet and found out that in a case of poisoning there can be leg paralisis and i did buy him a new cage 2 days ago so it all made sense but when i asked him about poisoning he said no way... I ll check the stroke symptoms now... many many thanks to all of you

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Oh Elena, I can not imagine hhow you feel right now. But I know I would be in terrible straights.


I do hope and pray your baby pulls through with your loving care and that you can get to the root of the problem.


Is it possible your young grey fell during the night and damaged him/her self?

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I was thinking it may be heavy metal posioning also did your vet take a blood test and if not please get one done as soon a possible. if there is any metal that your not sure of around or in his cage get rid of it imediatly if the cage he is in has been paited or if its a old cage get rid of it as well and but your baby in a small cage with a light on it to keep him warm cover cover three sides to keep the heat in. and go as fast as you can to a vet and get a blood screen done for heavy metal posining and any other bird diseses that have these simptons pbfd does not have the symptoms that your bird has.

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You and your baby will be in my thoughts! I hope its something else and your baby can be treated and pull through this. I dont see how your vet can be so certain when he dosent have the results back from the test.


We will all be thinking about you both, please try to keep in touch, we are all here if you need us.



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I would demand that blood test be tested for poisening also go with your gut and push anything you feel neccasary this is about your baby not the doctors feelings. I am thinking of you guys every minute and hope we get this figured out


Please keep in touch

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Dear all, my obi died this morning. Whatever this illness was, it took the life out of his little body within 24 hours. I m so devasteted cause i wasn't awake to hold him while he was dying. i woke up at seven and found him dead. I just hope he knows mama tried... thank you so much for all your help. i hope none of you experienses what i went through today. I keep thinking what more i could do. No heating or blankets or immune booster supplement could help him. He didnt even have a chance to fight... rest in peace baby.

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