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It's a GIRL!!


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Well, we had some changes to our holiday schedule so we will be home or somewhere we can take a bird during that time so we went ahead and picked up our new CAG fid last Sunday!!! :woohoo:


We have been in absolute heaven ever since! I did a lot of research and bought our girl from Birds and More in Torrance, CA. The breeder there - Karen and the gals in the shop were incredibly knowledgeable and very good with their birds. They had socialized these babies so well that our girl is practically fearless! She does not bite even if she gets a little upset, we can touch and pet here everywhere (under wings etc), steps up beautifully, eats EVERYTHING, will try all sorts of new foods I have offered her and traveled home and went in a new strange cage with tons of toys and never got scared. Interested - yup, but just took everything in so well.

I put her flight suit on last night to start her getting used to it and she was so patient through all of my fumbles, I finally got the darn thing on and all she did was pick at it for a bit and then got distracted by treats. She is so GOOD!!


We spent all week trying to find a name that fits her - she can be a diva sometimes but completely silly the next with no luck.

So we finally named her Fred. After the Rodney Carrington song that goes:

"Well he got to a town

met a woman in a night gown

And she was wearin a frown(hell it rhymed)

Well her name was, I didnt know what her name was

So we just called her Fred"


I will try to get some pictures of her soon - she's so fun to give toys to because she plays with them instantly, no worries about introducing new things - this gal is a trooper. I think she's finally got the forage wheel down . . better get more goodies!


Thanks all for listening to my raving - this has just been such an awesome beginning that I feel like I'm on Cloud #9!



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redkim wrote:

Thanks all for listening to my raving - this has just been such an awesome beginning that I feel like I'm on Cloud #9!


I know that feeling and I am about to be there later this evening when I go get my fids after being away on vacation.


Well I have heard of a boy named Sue so now we have a girl named Fred, congrats on being able to go ahead and get her home with you.


Sounds like you are in seventh heaven with her around and she is being such a good girl, you must be doing all the right things.


But just for you to be aware of, this is the honeymoon phase and do not be surprised if she is not so well behaved in the coming weeks and months as she settles in and the bonding process commences. But then things are going great and maybe it will continue to be that way, who knows, only your grey knows for sure.:):P

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Kim you sound so happy with Fred.I am so pleased for you. It does sound as if she had a good start in life.As Judy said she is on her best behaviour at the moment.They do sometimes try it on when they are more sure of themselves. If they have had a good base in step up this can be delt with without too much problem.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/12 21:00

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Awesome news! I'm so happy you are doing great with your new addition and sounds like she is well adjusted and settling in nicely. The breeder and girls that raised her get some good karma for doing such a good job. Now your wait is over and the real fun is only just beginning...:)

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AWWWW thanks you guys. I cannot even contain the excitement!

Having been around tons of different animals we are very aware of "start as you mean to go on", so while we are allowing her to be her own "person" we are also making sure she understands there are some ground rules. Since she is a baby still (7 months) she beaks us and we allow it until she starts to apply pressure, then there is a no or no bite and she stops. I figure she'll keep testing which is when we'll increase it to no and a trip back to the cage should she push it. Also, while we let her out every chance we get, we are working to let her know there is "with us" time, "play time" on the playpen and cage, and sometimes there is "cage time" even when we're there. That happens a little each evening when the ferrets get their out of cage time - she has to be in and safe when those goobers get going. She's adapted quite well, I think she likes watching the ferret antics and her cage is right behind our sofa in the center of things, so it's not like she's missing out on any action. She has done a few "screechy" vocalizations which we ignore and when she does a good vocalization like hello or whistles we praise her and give her treats.

But like any child - the boundaries will be tested and we know that. I'll keep you guys up to date!! I am sure she will have some things that I will be asking you guys about soon!

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You sound as if you are doing everything right and I am sure your baby will mature into a very loving companion. well done to you and the girls who gave her such a good start.I look forward to hearing many of your stories and adventures with your grey. Sheila

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