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I Missed My Josey


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I have missed my Josey and Sunny so much I can hardly stand it. I just got back from a vacation in Florida at Disney World and I haven't seen my fids since December 4. The lady that was taking care of them works during the day and I cannot go get them until this evening and I miss them so much.


I hope they have not forgotten me:ohmy: but I know they haven't and maybe they won't even be pissed at me for leaving them:whistle: at least thats what I hope.


Sunny will probably not want to leave my shoulder but Josey will be more laid back but I will let you know what their reaction is upon picking them up tonight.


I really enjoyed myself but I miss them so much when I leave them for any length of time.:(

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AWWWW..... I bet this is the longest day of your life. :( I am sure they will be so excited to see you!! I wish I could watch the reunion, it would be fun to see. :cheer:

Did they go somewhere else in new cages? Have they been their before? Do they know her? What time are you getting them? Inquiring minds want to know.......:blink:

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They went in their travel cages to the same woman who has kept them before, in fact it is the one I got both of them from so they know her and she knows them, don't know how much out of cage time they got but they will have plenty when I get them back home.


The vacation was wonderful with all my family, we spent some time all together and some we split up and went to separate parks but we had a blast riding the roller coasters and other rides and seeing lots of light, laser and water shows, light parades, fireworks and the whole place was decorated up for Christmas, truly a magical place to be.


Am I rested, NO, there was too much to see, do and I walked so much my feet and legs are tired and sore and the plane ride home was taxing to the body so I am resting up today along with this weekend, maybe I will feel like going back to work on Monday, NOT!!!


Everyone with kids needs to take their children and grandchildren to that place at least once in their lifetimes, more if you can afford it, I have been twice now so I am truly blessed.

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Rollercoasters are definitely NOT for me either, I like the kiddie rides like the merry-go-round and "it's a small world"!

I'm so glad you had a nice vacation and your fids will be so happy to see you tonight- I'm sure their joy at your reunion will be something to see! Hope you can get rested up this weekend from all that walking and sightseeing.;)

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And its so good to see you back:kiss:


I am so pleased you had a great time with the kids Judy!

You sound like you really enjoyed those rides, it sounds fun!


Your beautiful birds will be so pleased to see you, make sure you give them lots of cuddles.


Now back to WORK! Get posting:laugh: :laugh:

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I just got back from picking them up and they are glad to see me, Josey came right out to greet me, no hard feelings or anything, it was kissy, kissy for me.


Sunny screamed in delight, gave me some kissys too and won't leave my shoulder now, they were well taken care of but I know they are glad to be home.


Believe me I gave them both cuddles and kisses and all is happy in the household this evening.

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I don't know how you managed it Judy and I'm not talking about the rollercoasters. I have trouble making it through the day at work without the company of my fids. I even created them their own Skype account so I could check in on them when I found time. :P

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I missed them so much Jim but I seldom get away for any length of time and this trip was not to be missed, I will always treasure the time spent with my kids and grandkids.


Creating their own Skype account is a little extreme but if that is what it takes to make you happy then I am all for it.

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I am so glad to hear your babies are happy and back home with you. You are so luckey to have someone you are able to leave them with, that takes such good care.


Happy reunion, its going to be a good weekendend for all of youB)


Carolyn & Mika<br><br>Post edited by: Carolyn, at: 2008/12/13 13:38

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