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Feathered Phonics


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Hi all!!


I have just bought a feathered phonics cd to play to Biggles for when we are out and about. It's not my intention to play it everytime we are out though as I can imagine it would probably get quite boring to hear it every day, but liked the idea of occasionaly playing it to him.

Biggles appears to be a quick learner and at 1 and a half years old already has a fairly wide vocabulary. I would have been just as happy with him even if he didn't talk, but he does.... lots....and enjoys letting us know just how vocal he can be lol. :laugh:


Does anyone else have any of the feathered phonic cds, and if so, how have your babies got on with them??


I've bought the one with lots of pirate sayings on it. The thought of Biggles greeting us with a "Ahoy Matey!" tickles me. :P


Amy xx

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Hi Amy,


The problem with CD's to teach your Grey to learn other words, is the words are not associated with any action, like you suggest having him say "Ahoy Matey" when you walk in the door as a response to that action. If you want him to make sense and understand meaning of words, you need to say "Ahoy Matey" for example when you walk in the door or into the room he is in. See what I mean? :-)

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I agree whole heartedly with Dan here. I won't even allow friends or family to repeat words or phrases without context. It would be such a waste of a brilliant mind to do so. Out of the top five (probably three) most intelligent animals in the world, your grey is the only one the average person will ever get to keep as a companion. Elephants and dolphins just tend to be impractical. ;)

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I completely agree with whats been said. Thanks for the advice. I am aware that the words have to be followed up with actions and was going to reinforce them with the correct context when home myself.

I know exactly what words he's listening to on the cd while i'm out and i'm reinforcing them when i'm home in the context they need to be used in.

I probably should have put that in me original message :whistle:



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