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Good Morning,


i just bought my TAG yestedray, i was very determined to get a young one ... 6 months old maximum .... becuase as per the different readings i did ... i found that getting a young African Grey will be easier to tame ....


anyways, finally i found one, i am wondering is it normal that he grumbles/growls everytime i try to approach next to his cage?!


again i just got it yesterday and im wonderin if this normal or not?! and how long does it usually take TAGs to get rid of this growling ...

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Hi Bebo08, congratulations on your new TAG. Does he have a name yet? I'm sure he is just a little afraid because everything is new to him. Give him a chance to explore his new surroundings and get accustomed to you. Once he calms down and he knows you are only trying to take good care of him he will be fine. Have you had a chance to read through some of the threads in our nursery room? There is alot of information available here so look around and see what others have asked and answered. Welcome to the family. When you get a chance we would luv to see some pictures of your new FID.

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Congratulations on your new baby!


This is all normal, some babies will adapt easier than others. Everything is new to your baby, surroundings, people etc and its going to take him a good few weeks to settle in and get used to everything.


Dont rush things with him, let him get used to you, talk to him in a nice soft voice, this will help him gain your trust.


There are lots of threads in the Nursery which you may find useful including one on bringing your baby grey home.




Hope this will help!


Enjoy your new baby.



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Hi Bebo08, welcome here. Have you ever had any birds before? Greys are very sensitive to any changes in their lives/environment and it will take time for even your baby to adjust. Think of all the changes he is going through right now, it would have to be a little overwhelming for any animal.

I have 7 week old greys and they even growl at me if I change my hairstyle, even though they quickly realize it is me after I talk to them softly and stroke their heads. Sit with your new baby grey and talk to it, spend time holding it and offering it treats. It will soon realize that you are a great person to hang out with and stop the growling. Good luck!

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Hey .... thank you all for your feedback ....


well yes i used to have a Cockatiel for 1 year but he only flew away 1 month ago... i felt very bad becasue it was my fault ...cause i let his wings grow and did not clip them as my vet advised ...


what really worries me is that i am getting alot of advises that i should hold my grey and talk to it .... the thing it wont allow me ... i should be at least 1 meter away from him to accept me ...if i get close to his cage and try to put my finger on the cage bars he will instantly start growling and screaming ....


i guess from what i read is that i need to give him couple of weeks to adapt .... and as they say patience is a virtue :)


i will keep you guys posted ... thank you again..

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