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Nökkvi and Mandla


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Hello everyone


It´s been a while now since I wrote last about Nökkvi. Things are still going really well. He takes everything we offer him from our hands and really seems to like to taste new foods. We haven´t tried to have him step up and if he thinks we are going to touch him he moves away but I can see that he his trusting us more and more, we are really happy with how things are going.


Nökkvi was a breeding bird before we got him but was taken out of breeding because nothing happened with him and the female he lived with. The female was sold away and Nökkvi came to us. Yesterday I was browsing the webpage of the store that we bought Nökkvi from ( I haven´t looked at that page since we got Nökkvi) and I noticed that they had a 6 year old female TAG named Mandla for sale. I immediately suspected that this was Nökkvi´s female friend, what a coincidence that I looked at the webpage at that time because she had just been put there the day before, it seemed like a message to me....


Well today me and my boyfriend went to look at Mandla and I was right it was Nökkvi´s friend. The people that bought her had some money problems and had to sell her. We immediately fell in love with her, she is much smaller than he is, with big round eyes, really feminine, the cutest thing. She growled at us and was really scared but still she whistled to my boyfriend when he whistled to her.


We have decided that we want to buy her, the store is not open tomorrow but we will go and finalize things on friday. The store owner doesn´t know very much about them but they are both 6 years old and imported from Great Britain. They got along really well so I was wondering how it would be when they meet up again, will they remember each other? They have been apart for some months now. They were in the same cage when they lived together, would it be possible again?

She is half tamed like him, will it be more difficult to tame them if they are together??


It seems like this was meant to be, I feel sorry for her to have to change owners so often but with us she will have a permanent home. It will be really nice to get another bird :).<br><br>Post edited by: Hrund, at: 2008/12/10 22:32

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Ah, I think it is wonderful that you want to give her a good home as well. It most likely will make taming them much harder, especially if they are kept in the same cage, however, if they are happy with each other's company would it be so terrible if they aren't too tame? I don't know how you feel about this.

I would think they will remember each other, but put them close together inside their own cages and see how they react.

I would continue to work with Nokkvi one on one and perhaps you can keep him at the level you have obtained or perhaps get him even tamer.

I think it must have been fate that you saw his little girlfriend back in that store... I'm sure they will be happy to have each other for company.

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It definatly sounds like divine intervention if you ask me. I think its wonderful that you are willing to give these birds a forever home. I also think if you put them in the same cage that it will make it much harder to tame them. You may want to hold off on putting them together until your male is more comfortable with you and is stepping up on command.

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It definatly sounds like divine intervention if you ask me. I think its wonderful that you are willing to give these birds a forever home. I also think if you put them in the same cage that it will make it much harder to tame them. You may want to hold off on putting them together until your male is more comfortable with you and is stepping up on command.

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So where is the problem?? This is marvelous and fate that Nokkvi and Mandla have a chance to be together again. If you truly believe that you and your boyfriend can give these two greys a kind and loving forever home then by all means do this. All will work out if it is meant to be.:silly: :kiss:

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Hi Hrund, I am so glad to hear you and Nokkvi are doing so well:) . What a strange coincidence that his female friend is there and you looked just at the right time.


If you want them both as pets I am a little concerned that it will be more difficult to tame them together. If she was suppose to be his mate, even if they didn't breed, they may breed in the future if they are kept in the same cage. If they do bond as breeders I have been told that they will be more interested in each other than in their human companions.


I was thinking about getting a female eclectus, not to breed with my male eclectus but the guy I got Tigger from is a breeder and said he would not be near as good of a pet as he is now. So I decided against it. I didn't plan on having them in the same cage but still I didn't want to risk him not being a pet.


I think it's great if you want to take here in too, just make sure you think it all through. Would you be upset if Nokkvi didn't progress any further pet wise? Would you be keeping them in the same cage? What would you do if they did breed?


What ever you decide I'm sure will be the right answer and it is wierd that you just happened to check right when she came back to the store. Hmmmm:huh: I'm sure you will get great advice from the others with more experience and know what ever you decide will be right for you. Good luck and let us know:)

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Thanks everyone

We would like our birds to be pets, we clearly have to think this more thoroughly. I just feel so sorry for Mandla and would like to give her a good home. We don´t want them to breed and were thinking that since they got along before it would be good for them to have each other and of course it would be good for them but.... we want them as pets.

Is there someone here on the forum that has more than one grey that are good friends but still bonded with their humans? Is it perhaps more likely if the birds are handfed?

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So lets see, you wanna bring home a bird that was an unsuccessful breeding bird to another bird who was also an unsuccessful breeding bird and these 2 birds just happen to be the same pair that were living in the same cage, were bonded and were unsuccessful at breeding.


""""We don´t want them to breed """"


Obviously they might be unsuccessful breeders because it was proven that they were unsuccessful.

People who are trying to make a pet out of one breeding bird will have much more trouble doing that because naturally, that bird is used to another bird as opposed to people.


""""Well today me and my boyfriend went to look at Mandla and I was right it was Nökkvi´s friend."""""


The 2 birds were much more than *just friends* Breeders have a much deeper relationship than just being *friends*. MUCH DEEPER.


"""""They got along really well so I was wondering how it would be when they meet up again, will they remember each other? They have been apart for some months now. They were in the same cage when they lived together, would it be possible again?"""""


They'll remember each other within 1 week and will be extremely interested in each other immediately. VERY INTERESTED.


Same cage?-----not unless you wanna cause all sorts of problems between you and the birds. You want them to be pets? Then you need to deal with them as pets and accomplishing that is gonna take quite a long time even if they're in separate cages because they were the original pair and you'll need separate cages for sure.

Hypothetically, if it will take you 1 year to make major headways with that male breeder, I guarantee you that it will take 2 yrs to do the same thing if both are around each other in separate cages. You would stand a better chance if neither bird knew each other but you should realize that you're putting 2 former cage mates back together again. They may have been unsuccessful breeders but they were successful cage mates. Having a clutch of eggs isn't necessary in order to create a close connection.


""""""We don´t want them to breed and were thinking that since they got along before it would be good for them to have each other and of course it would be good for them but.... we want them as pets."""""


You're dealing with wild animals, not domestic animals but since you're gonna do this, expect that you'll be doing double the amount of work with only 1/2 of the desired results that you're looking for. PER BIRD


By the way..concerning that *unsuccessful breeding*, did it ever occur to you that the reason for that is because they're too young or aren't mature enough to be successful??

There's loads of books that give out the approximate age that greys should be before they're able to successfully breed but that doesn't mean that all greys who reach that age will automatically be interested in breeding or whether they will be successful.


"""""Is there someone here on the forum that has more than one grey that are good friends but still bonded with their humans? Is it perhaps more likely if the birds are handfed? """""


There's many people who have one than one grey and those greys are friends or aren't friends and those birds are somewhat bonded to their human owners.

The thing is, they're not former breeders who were split up and then put back together again and then kept separately. AND, the fact that they didn't despise each other when they were together makes your success rate vey low.




To another statement here


""""So where is the problem?? """""


Deal with breeders and you'll see the problem and many more that you don't even know exist.


PS---were both of these birds or even one of these birds ever brought to an avian vet in order to find out if there was anything physically defective that may have existed concerning their capabilities of breeding? People who own pairs of breeder birds make visits to a vet at least twice per year as much compared to people who own pet greys.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/11 01:30<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/11 01:36

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