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Came Home - NO TAIL


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OMG! I can not believe that my Cag plucked her tail feathers off in one day. I came home from work to find my little girl with no tail. I immediately called my vet and took her in to be told that she was healthy and could not find anything wrong. She is now starting on her chest feathers! I have no idea what happened.

There has been no change what so ever. Has anyone else had this happen or can give some help in what is happening?



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I just took Tobie to the vet because he started removing flight feathers and chest feathers. Biting them off. Tobie is 1.5 years old. how old is your bird. The vet seemed to think that 50% of greys have some sort of feather distructive behavior. Wonder what the results of a poll would be in CAGs or TAGs. Hey, I think I just though of a new post.

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Hi Mary- When my Tag Lyric was younger he was a dare devil (well, still is) but also very clumsy. He was hanging by one foot from the top of the cage and fell breaking off most of his tail feathers. Eventually he broke them all. After this he started chewing them off- one would grow back about an inch or so and I would be so excited to see it and then snap...off it would come. He did this for a while and then eventually just stopped doing it and let his tail grow back in. I am telling you this to let you know there's hope- keep your bird busy with lots of attention, healthy foods and new toys. Keep doing spray baths or whatever form of baths you like to give. Eventually your bird may grow out of the habit or just quit because it has too many other things to do. Your bird may look a little funny with no tail but in time you will get used to it!

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Thank you BaxtersMom. Yes, it is devasting to see this little girl doing this to herself. I have gone over and over and over again the day's events prior to this past Wednesday and can not for the life of me think of anything that has changed. She has plenty of toys of all kinds to meet her different needs, a lot of one on one when we get home from work and outside cage time. This is going to drive me crazy. I need to help her.

Please some feedback on this:woohoo:

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Try not to let her see you get upset over this Greys love dramamand may keep doing it if she see that she gets a reaction from you I know its hard but you have to treat her like nothing has happened or she may not ever stop. She is very young and could grow out of this as fast as it started as long as you carry on like everything is fine.

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You may never know what set it off. Are you in a house or apartment? I remember one member here a few months ago had a grey start plucking after a maintenance man came into the apartment during the day to do some work. Maybe a car back-fired outside, a helicopter flew over the house. . . Could her skin be dry/itchy. Does she get baths on a regular basis? Pat's advice is on target. If you start giving extra attention when you see her plucking that may be enough to reinforce the behaviour. Give lots of praise and attention when you catch her being 'good', playing with a toy, foraging etc. They pick up on our moods so easily, so stay as calm as you can. Hugs to you and kisses (and an almond) to Gracie. xoxo

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