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New grey, shy and SILENT


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Hi everyone, We are brand new to the forum AND to being grey owners. We "borrowed" a 5-year-old female grey from a friend who breeds them to see how it would be, if having a grey would work in our family, etc. Well, suffice it to say, we have all fallen head over heels in love with Auggie! (Especially me!) She is perfect -- absolutely no problems whatsoever BUT we found a grey that a lady was selling. The bird was living in a room with no windows and had very little interaction with people. She previously had had attention but none lately. The owner also said that she could say a few words. She's been with us for 2 days and nights and so far, has not uttered a word or really made a sound! She has growled a few times when we tried to get her to step up and last night, I heard her chirp a few times while no one was in the room with her. My first question is, is that normal? Not making any sounds at all? And second, what is the best approach to take with her. Should we let her be and only talk to her nicely, or should we continue to try to get her to step up (which she has done a few times for me and my husband), give kisses, etc.? I was talking kind of up close to her this morning and leaned in and asked for a kiss and got bitten. Not hard just enough to let me know she DID NOT want that! (Which I knew, I just thought I would give it a try.)

Any advice would be appreciated.



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Welcome to our family!


Congrats on the new addition, and karma for you for taking the time to "borrow" a grey to try out. Quite unusual I might add, but to each his own. My heart goes out to the borrowed grey.


It is perfectly normal for your grey to be silent. Gosh, you've only had her for 2 days! :ohmy: It takes a long time for them to adjust to their new family, new surroundings, perhaps new toys, a cage, new sights and sounds, etc. Please give it time and be patient.


Greys will bite! So, don't put your face close to hers unless and until you have complete trust and are bonded with her. That takes TIME.....

If she wil step up with you, that's great! COntinue if she is willing, but let her take the lead and keep an eye on her body language.

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If I were in your shoes, I would take it slowly and just talk to her, play her some music, read to her, play with a toy where she can watch you, etc. for awhile. With her history, it may take her a little while to relax in her new home with you - it's all very new to her! I don't think it's at all strange that she's being quiet still - and I think it's a good sign that she chirped when you were not in the room - that sounds like normal contact-calling (i.e. she can't see you, so she's checking to see where you are). When she does that again, be sure to "chirp" back - or call back to her in some way.


Also remember that if she is being quiet when you talk to her, it's probably because she is listening to you! Be pleased that she's polite, and I'll bet she will open up tremendously in time. Good luck and keep us posted!

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No need to feel sorry for Auggie. I won't be giving her up. Her owner has offered to let us buy her, and we most definitely will. She is a joy and is very happy here. At her previous home, there were 3 other adult greys and several other birds, so Auggie didn't get much one-on-one time. Here, she's the center of attention and she has really flourished. The new bird, Panda, is the one I had questions about. Obviously, we realize she's going to take lots of time, patience and love to come around. We were just concerned mainly about her being so quiet and if we should be more standoffish towards her or continue giving her the attention we've been giving. I don't want to push her but I also don't want to give her too much "space" and her not become more social.


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Hi, and you have come to the right place if you have questions about your new grey. How old is your new fid and what have you named her? Since you have only had her for two days I think things are going along great. So just relax and have fun. She sounds like she is just taking things in and is quiet and observant. Things are all new and different for her. If she is stepping up for you and your husband this is wonderful!!! Do you know what words she already knows? And if she is contact calling you for sure call back. This should be a wonderful adventure for all of you, enjoy it and get to slowing know your new friend all she need right now if to know she is in her forever home.

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I dont think it is unusual for a grey to be quiet and still in Pandas situation.At the moment I would just do things at her pace and let her settle. If she will step up thats brilliant but dont push the issue if she appears scared.You have gone from owning no birds to owning 2 of one of the worlds most sensitive and complex parrots.My advise is to do lots of research both hear on this forum and in the numerous species spacific books for sale. I am sure Panda will settle and make more sounds but it is by no means guaranteed she will talk. Most do but not all. Ask any questions you may have and I am sure someone will help. Good luck

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Boy was I confused--so your now have two greys. Augie the "borrowed" grey is also a new member of your family!!! This is marvelous news and also Panda the "lady's" grey. Now I understand and Karma to you for taking them both into a forever home and caring for their well-being!!!{Feel-good-000200BB}!!!!

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Welcome Sbeasley,Auggie and Panda!!!


Its GreYt having you here. The others have given good advice. Time and patience will be the best friends of Panda for now.


Getting used to a new environment of people, cage, room, furnishings etc. is a big deal to a Grey. They for the most part do not take change lightly.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your flock when you get a chance.

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I think Panda(iluv her name) just needs some time its great that she is stepping up for you sometimes she obviously has missed human interaction but is a little bit nervous about her new enviroment I sure she will come around and will start getting more vocal as soon as she is more comfortable with her new surrondings. Greys are great birds but when the get rehomed it takes them quite abit longer to settle in than other birds. I believe this is due to there high intelegence and to the fact that they bond so strongly to their humans they are very loyal. it takes them a while to get over the heart break of losing their friend and get on with their lives again. just be patient with her and show her that she is loved and cared for and she will come around in her own time

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Hi again everyone,

You guys have been so great and very helpful. Just wanted you all to know that as I type this, I am "calling back" to Panda and Auggie! Auggie, of course, sounds like a nut with all her whoo-hoo's,:woohoo: whistles :silly: and words (which I LOVE), and little Panda is calling me in the sweetest little baby voice!!! She hasn't come out with any words yet, but Auggie talks enough for the both of them. Panda is so precious. I wish I could describe her little voice better but to me, she sounds like a baby bird. I think I'm in love. Again. She's coming around for sure and I couldn't be happier. I just wanted so badly for her to feel joy and love again. Hopefully, that process has started.

Thank you guys so much for all your advice and kind words,

Crissy Beasley

(Steve is my husband) :P

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What wonderful news! It sounds like things are going great with both your new greys. I'm so happy you were able to find a place in your heart and home for two greys that needed you. They both sound very sweet. Karma to you for all you have done to help these two.

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