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baby's first......

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

i can't see one on here, so i thought it would be nice to start a "baby's first..." thread. where all us proud parents can share the new wierd and wonderful things our little bundles of joy do and all fully fledged mummies and daddies can take us on a trip down memory lane with the "first" experiences they had with their greys.


today Brian used his foot to hold a piece of fruit for the first time while he ate!:woohoo: he has been having trouble getting the pesky food to stay still while he devours it and finally descovered how handy those feet can be! i was so proud and praised him with lots of "clever boy"s and head scratches. he's been clawing everything since. ;)

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I have never seen so many new babies in one place. I know it's spring but jeezzzz... Everyday someone joins with a new baby Grey.. Maybe I should be selling baby Greys for a living.. :laugh:


Seriously though. It's great to have so many new folks to share info with. Never a dull moment here that's for sure..

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Guest briansmum

it's brians first trip to the vet today. i hope his check up goes well. i haven't decided whether to have his wings clipped yet or not, i'm going to talk to the vet. i will let you all know how it goes later.

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Guest briansmum

hey all hope everyone is well. just go back from the vets, decided against having Brians wings clipped and the vet showed me some excercises i can do with Brian so strengthen his flying and get us both used to his wings together.


i did have him microchipped though, and he had a blood test for beak and feather disease.. just as a precaution. he's really down in the dumps now, obviousy he wasn't going to enjoy being man handled but he seems really dejected. has anyone else had similar experiences with vets? did your grey perk up after a good nap?

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What is beak & feather disease. I'm ashamed to say I've never heard of it. After a good nap, he should be fine. How did he do with the microchip? Did it hurt him? Poor thing...what a tiring day he had. :(

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Guest briansmum

:whistle: i didn't know what it was either. apparently young birds can catch it from other birds and there are no symptoms and they can have it for years before it becomes active, upon which it is deadly, there is no treatment. birds over about 3 years can't catch it. this is what the vet told me anyway.


he'll be fine im sure as the only other birds he's been in contact with are the other babies from his clutch but i thought it was best to have the test done just incase.


he cried a lot poor thing and the vet says he'll probably be a bit soar for a few days so to take it easy handling him. i've given him lots of cuddles and settles him down on a blanket at the side of me and he's flaked out :)

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My baby was a little bit shaken up after the vet also but he got better when i wrapped him up for a little while, he just loves to be toweled. Well my grey is 13 weeks old now and has been home for about 5 days. He wont take any formula but is still being picky about his eating but he is gaining weight. As far as first go, when i came home from work he was up on a swing in his cage that he hasn't been brave enoufgh to climb to. Also he got his first shower today. I was gonna take him slow and just put him in the room with it running but he was curious about and wanted to get closer so i let him. Then he leaned over to the stream and loved it so i put his perch were he could get under it and he dove right in. And i know there are alot of people here with babies that will be weaning soon. Even though mine wont take formula he was still not getting completly full from being a picky eater. I read in a book that baby food can be very comforting and it was right. I gave him gerber baby food that I heated just a little. Made him feel great.

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Sometimes that baby food just does the trick. Did you feed it with a spoon? I give mine some baby food every day.

I'm sure the inserting of a microchip made him a little sore, but before you know it he will be over it. My Josey took the vet visit in stride, she didn't act up too much and after we left it was like we had never been.

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Guest briansmum

we have two firsts today! Brian has his first taste if ice cream, just a tiny bit off the end of my finger. the cold make him shake his head and get all fluffed up, it was so cute and funny.


more importantly, he had his first proper flight today. i've been teaching him to go from my hand to the top of his cage, and he's sort of just been jumping off my hand and flapping to land gently, but i moved futher away and he flew a whole 2 feet!! :woohoo: not very far i know, but for his first fly i was very proud.

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Guest briansmum

just after i posted that he was cherping at me, so i went to get him to bring him over to the sofa with me and as i was waking over with him on my hand he flew from my hand to the back over the sofa... unfortunately he slipped off and landed on the floor in a heap.. aaaaww. he;s fine though, all this flapping must have taken it out of him after a good neck rub he's dozed off :)

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I have a bad first, first emergency run to the vet. One day, I was at school, hubby was getting ready for work when he saw Brutus on the bottom of his cage. When he moved he limped. Husband immidiatly called off work, then called me at school to get home right away. Whe made the hour and a half drive to the nearest avian vet. Brutus had a broken leg, and ended up with a tiny birdy cast for a few weeks. It looked soo funny once he wasnt hurtin anymore. Everything healed perfect, and youd never know it had happened. Thats also how we found out he likes the biscuits from popeyes chicken ;)

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Guest briansmum

aaaaw poor little guy! i'm glad he's all back to normal now, that must be such a scary thing to find.

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I felt so bad, even a couple years later I cringe thinking about it. The vet did a good job, and was shockingly cheap. the cast, bloodwork and everything was only $200 US. My husbands broken leg cost over $12000 us. Hes been told next time he hurts himself hes going to brutus's doctor lol

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