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My Dudley is about 8 months old. She is a dear. Anyway, I just wanted to share that she said her first words over the weekend!!!!! Well... she has said a few things before but it was more like baby talk... only I could really understand her... but she spoke so clearly the other day! She said "Hello Birdie." I almost freaked because I thought it was me! ha ha ha! I captured it on video later on that day as well! How fun!:laugh:

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Thats BS MasterMark, my Josey started out whistling and she talks now and whistles too. Poppy being just 5 months is too young yet to be talking much, give him some time as Josey didn't talk until she was one year of age.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us something more about you and Poppy.

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That's wonderful! My bird is just 6 month's & I've heard hello on a rare occasion but that's about it. She did however look out the bathroom window on 2 mornings & make a perfect crow imitation .....just what I need, a crow in my bathroom! This was VERY LOUD!

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Well, Judy certainly stated what that piece of misinformation your friend said was. :-)


Don't sweat teaching your bird whistles, songs etc. Those are the first sounds they are programmed to do to survive in the flock..contact calling, baby pants, cheeps of I need attention etc. The learn whistles and sounds first.


Do try associating food items, actions etc. with the same word(s) everytime. YOu may do this for months, but I guarantee you, you're Grey is paying attention and one day will shock the living hell out of you when He not only says something, but in the correct context. :-)

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