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Zahzu's ear infection continues


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hey guys,


sorry i haven't been very active on the forum - just busy looking after Zahzu.


Background: Zahzu has been plucking for several months - we've been in and out of vet surgery sooo many times with no success at finding out what is wrong with her, till 2 weeks ago when an avian vet checked her ears and discovered the left one is totally blocked (most of her plucking is on the left side of her body!). He operated to clean out the ear, but did not get it all cleared up.


We find out tomorrow when the avian vet will be local to see when Zahzu can go back for her second operation on her ear to remove more of the blockage.


Her ear is still very blocked, however it seems the oily drops we are applying are helping.


However she still gets high fevers, so I try to let her splash around in cold water to bring her temp down, and the vet prescribed Metacam over the phone to us - but we are having problems getting it at the moment...but i'm sure we'll manage to get hold of some in the next few days!


Anyway, just need lots of prayers that Zahzu makes it through this - her head and eye are still very swollen and I'm not sure what the prognosis will be for my poor baby. I just want her to get better!



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Oh, poor Zahzu, she has really been through the mill.


You have certainly set a great example for all here to follow in pursuing a good vet and getting to the bottom of her underlying health issue. It has been a long many months for you and her, thank God it is on it's way to an end.


My prayers and thoughts for a successful, complete and final surgery for her are on the way.

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Thanks guys :)


Just wondering - Zahzu has been tested for beak and feather disease, and it came back negative - is it possible that this might be a false negative test??


She was preening herself and she has some very unusually developed feathers - and we've been noticing this for some months... plus the low immunity to ear infections - this has got me wondering!



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Hi hope all goes well with Zahzus next op. Charlie has had metacam in the past and it did help him. It is a pain killer and I think an anti inflamatory. I think it unlikely that her negative test was wrong and the problems are coming from her ears.

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