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It sounds like Casper is quite a character. Your right, it is humbling to know just how intelligent these sentient beings are.


With your attitude, it will not be long before Casper will be interacting with you too.


Now your Son, well he's already on Casper's list of lower level flock members. :-)

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All my greys amaze me every day and always put a smile on my face but my eldest one Charlie is quite a character!


From getting up this morning he insists on calling himself Charles instead of Charlie but the most funny thing he has been saying is " Do you wanna burger?"

but he is saying it in a geordie accent and has got it off to a tee! We are from Yorkshire and there is no mistaking our accent to a Geordie one!


I think its from a comic sketch we watched on the telly, they dont miss a thing do they?:laugh:

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Casper and Charlie are the names of one of my you tube friends grey parrots. They are from England too. ansugib is the you tube name. Check it out.


Tobie did a thing the other day that makes me reallize how he is paying attention even when we don't reallize it. My dog, Pogo, really doesn't want to be close to Tobie. If I come downstairs and put Tobie on the back of our sectional couch or on the window sill over the couch Pogo will jump down from the couch and leave the room or go lay on the floor under the end table. One night I stretched out on the couch and Tobie was on the window sill playing. I asked Frank "where is Pogo". Frank said "He's hiding. He's under the end table". We got in a discussion about how fearful Pogo is of Tobie. The next day, Tobie was on his playstand upstairs, and I came in the room with Tucker and Brandy following me. Pogo was downstairs on the couch. Tobie starts in with "Come here Tucker. Brandy go outside. Come on Brandy go outside. -- pause-- Pogo's hiding"<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/04/29 17:44

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Well this morning I put both of ours in the cage as I was off to work. I got to the front door and was just about to close it and did one last yell to them "goodbye" and then I heard back from Rangi "what are you doing you naughty boy". I then thought that is weird he only ever says that when he is up to no good.


So I decide to go and look and there he is out of the cage and sitting on the curtain rail. I was so shocked and he looked so pleased with himself. My boyfriend had accidently not put the clasp on one of the little doors up the top of the cage and Rangi had squeezed through it.


I was so relieved that I went and checked, he would have destroyed the place otherwise.

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That's so funny Jane! Maybe Rangi is not as smart as he thinks, 'coz if he was he would not have given the game away by speaking!


Something Cleo does that I find amusing is how she clucks her disapproval of me. When I am too slow in giving her a scratch, or I am taking too long preparing her food when I've told her it's coming, or putting her back in the cage when she does not want to. She literally clucks and quacks at me, like she is grumbling.

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Oh that was what he wanted to get attention and that is why he said what he did. He sometimes lands on the kitchen sink and then says it and then waits for me to come. If I take too long he finds the nearest thing to him and throws it on the ground.


lol Azzie, Kea does that to us as well. It's this little noise of dissaproval when she drops something or like you say you take too long to give them something. It can also happen when I don't notice that she is waving her foot at me for me to come over and pick her up (even though she can fly).

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