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Hi from the Beach!


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Hi everyone, I have taken in a 6 year old male grey named ChaCha. I have a 5 year old Amazon Yellow Nape named Boozle that I adopted at 4 months old so I am not new to "parrothood"... I am looking forward to mixing with all you guys and girls and finding out all about greys. They are certainly different from amazons! He hasn't started trusting me too much yet.


I live 3/10th's of a mile from the the beach on the Alabama gulf coast with my husband of almost 40 years. We have 2 daughters and one son and 7 grandchildren (5 boys and 2 girls), and 2 "grand" parrots......



I will be asking lots of questions I am sure!

Glad to be here,



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Well hi Debbie glad to see you and ChaCha and Boozle. You've come to the right place if you want to learn about greys and there is a thread for "other birds" as well. So have fun looking around and if you have any questions just holler and someone will come to the rescue. If you have any pictures to share we would luv to see your flock!!:silly:

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Well, thank you for the welcome....I hope to post some photos as soon as I figure out how......My Boozle is on www.youtube.com/seabeanie and sings her heart out. She has won a contest singing "You are my Sunshine"....Check her out if you get a chance.


I am sure I will be asking lots of questions!



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Hi Debbie & welcome to the forum. I would like to do some house swapping with you for a couple months:laugh: . I will come to the coast and you can come up here for a white christmas in Michigan;) We are expecting an ice storm tomorrow:laugh:


But back to the greys. Congradulations on Cha Cha. How long have you had him now? I know you said he wasn't trusting you yet:( It will come though. I also have a couple other parrots, an eclectus, a conure and the latest arrival of about 1 month is a dyh amazon:ohmy: (1 1/2 years old) You are right they are nothing like a grey:laugh: :silly: and vice versa. He has been such a character and so completely different than my grey Baxter. I am looking forward to swapping stories with you. There is an "other bird" section as someone above mentioned when you want to visit about the others in the species. And you can ask all the questions you want about Cha Cha if you have any. There are many knowledgable members here on the forum and everyone is always ready to help or give advice.


Hope to hear more from you soon and please get back with me about the house swap:whistle: It's getting pretty chilly here{Feel-bad-00020079}

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Thanks, I have had ChaCha about 2 weeks now. Trying to keep them apart for quarantine......my house is small so I am not doing to good at it. Cha was a one owner parrot and hasn't been out of the house for 2 years. I have my work cut out for me! He is so pretty and he has been talking some when he thinks I am not listening. He seems to be afraid of EVERYTHING..I have to move real slow around him and I am a person always in a hurry so I am having to learn to calm my energy around him! Boozle loves the energy...but that's amazons for you!

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Welcome Debbie, ChaCha,Boozle and the est of the Flock!!!


It's GreYt having you here.


The videos of Boozle singing are great!! Thanks for sharing that link. :-) Amazons seem to really excel at picking up singing over most Parrot species. Boozle is another proof of that.

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Dan, happy to be here. I always wanted a grey, but never expected one to be given to me. I sure hope I can get him to like me! It's debatable right now. ChaCha seems to be afraid of his own shadow! I know he has to get used to all the new sounds in his new enviroment so I am willing to wait him out.


I had a cockatiel a month ago, Angelbird, that due to a big error on my part,(I didn't realize he was out of his cage) he flew out the door and a Hawk swooped down and got him right in front of my eyes. I was devastated! It happened in a matter of seconds! Nothing I could do.... My friend that owned the grey said ChaCha wasn't happy with her so she wanted me to have him that she knew I would take good care of him...but to get his wings clipped! She bought a new puppy 2 years ago and devoted all her time to him I think that ChaCha was maybe ignored, plus she said a painter, painting her house scared him and he hasn't been right since. This forum seems to be more of what I was looking for in a parrot forum. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!



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Hi Debbie,


OMG!! What a tragedy to have your Cockatiel swooped up by a Hawk! That is a horrible thing to witness. I can only imagine your feelings becoming overwhelming at that horrific event.


Greys are a very cautious species and super intelligent. As you have already stated, they are not the great swash-buckling heroic adventurers an Amazon is.


I will take weeks and maybe months for those layers of fear and distrust to peel away in ChaCha. New Home, people, furnishings, sounds, smells etc. are a lot to take in for a Grey. But, he will adapt and start to mellow out day by day. As you know, being a long time parrot owner, just sit next to the cage, read, speak gently and lovingly to him, offer treats etc for him to become at ease with you.


Also, anything new will need to be slowly introduced from a distance like new toys, new furniture, cage placement etc.


I am not a fan of wing clipping at all. I am much more inclined to recommend being painfully aware of open or opening doors etc. and modifying the home/lifestyle to facilitate the flightedness of birds, rather than clipping. But, I do understand each home and situation is different and if you must for the safety of the bird, then by all means do do. However, be aware that if he has been flighted a long time, it will deeply disturb him to lose his flight capabilities and you will have to deal with that on top of the already big task of introducing him to his new home.


We are a forum of many loving and caring members that takes all our extended flock as a personal responsibility to help however we can.


Again, it's great having you here. :-)

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Thanks, Dan. I know it will take time. I am not too much in favor of clipping either. My concern now about clipping his wings is that I have a large sun porch that I have for the birds and ChaCha flies into the sliding glass doors that are all around. We have TV and stay out there a lot. I have attached a photo but you can't see the other side of the room which is full sliding doors too. Boozle, the amazon, loves it out there. I have night cages for both birds and took ChaCha on the porch while Boo was in her night cage....He sat in the same spot for an hour and then when I went to put him in his other cage he flew into the door, not hard but am afraid he could injure himself. The last time his wings, beak, claws were clipped were 2 years ago! I want to take him SOON but want to get all the info I can before I do. It's a 45 mile round trip visit to the vet.


Thanks for all the input, things I needed to be reminded of! Boozle is such a take charge bird and not an introvert at all, she knows when I bring in a new toy it's HERS and she wants it right THEN!!LOL

Debbie Chacha_corner200rs.jpg


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Hiya Debbie, its great you have joined us!


The others have offered some good advice for both you and Cha Cha.


Just a thought about the glass doors, could you possibly have blinds made for them or put some kind of decorative stickers on? This is what I do with mine.


I dont know if you can handle your grey yet but when you can, take him over and tap on the glass to show him it is an object!


I cant wait to hear more about you and your flock I am so pleased you could join us here.



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Hey Caroline, I am please to be here! Yes, I am going to Lowe's tomorrow to see if I can find some roll up bamboo blinds. I don't have heat and air on the porch and at night it is cool down to 50-60 degrees which is not a problem because I put the babies in the night cages in a bedroom. I have an electric heater to warm it up in the a.m. but Boozle can't wait to get out there even on really cold mornings. The sun helps heat it up too so I could roll the blinds down later in the morning if I am here. I had already thought that maybe it was too open for ChaCha this is like being "outside" when looking out and maybe too much for him to take all at once. I haven't taken him out today. I may look for some stickers, never thought about that!

Thanks and glad to be here for sure!


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Hello Debbie! Welcome here. When my TAG was little I would walk around the house with him and let him tap on the windows with his beak so he could learn there was something there. I did the same thing with mirrors. I think they quickly can learn about windows and the only time you may have to worry is if he becomes scared and takes flight suddenly. The openness of the sunroom is certainly a new experience for him and I can see how this could be scary to a grey in a new environment. I'm sure he'll come to love it though, I have a screened in porch and my grey just loves to sit out there with me when it is warm enough outside. Glad you could join us!

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Hi there! Thanks for the welcome. I have walked ChaCha around the house but never thought to tap on the windows on the porch. We will try that next time he lets me walk him around the house! He is becoming a little more used to the cage outside and is moving about the playtop more but still won't go inside of it on his own. Luckily I haven't had to leave the house much since I got him but maybe I should put him in it while I am here, you think? I am going to try to put some favorite food in his inside dish and see if he will go in for it........I think he will be okay, I am not normally a patient person and he is teaching me that I need to be ONE!



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We have a backroom we spend alot of time in and 2 of our birds (not Baxter) will fly back there to find us. There is a door but we usually leave it open because the top half is glass and we are afraid the eclectus will fly right into it. We him to the window part of it and tapped on it to show him something was there not knowing if it works or not but we did show him. Well, one day the door was almost shut and we heard him flying. I got up so I could see and he got right to the door went up and made a u turn, so I am thinking he remembered it. Thank goodness. It was scary but I guess he knows it there.


I'm not a patient person either. When I want something I want immediate gratification:laugh: Usually I get my way but not with the birds. I try and teach them stuff and they are trying to teach me stuff too...like patience:pinch: Darn it. :laugh:

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