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Save African Greys


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Yes, but the money spent on the DVD shown on YouTube goes towards making sure this doesn't happen anymore. That DVD wasn't made to ruin your day, it was made so people are aware of how these birds are acquired and it motivates people to reach into their wallets to help. Statistics and cute stories don't accomplish this.


African Grey's didn't walk to America themselves. Descendents of our happy Grey's at home may be some of the ones people save with their $20 purchase of that DVD.


You can also go to




and choose one of the parrot rescue organizations signed up with them and, simply shopping on-line at more than 700 popular retailers (GAP, Amazon.com, Drs. Foster)will donate money to this cause and will cost no more than what you intended to spend anyhow. I can purchase what I usually would on-line at Drs. Foster and they will donate money to the rescue group of my choosing.


I think getting involved is a wonderful tribute to our African Greys who have what so many others do not.<br><br>Post edited by: Julie, at: 2008/12/09 02:17

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No one is saying that you did a wrong thing concerning your post. Of course you're not trying to intentionally upset people. I have no idea how long you've had a grey/greys but please inderstand that the same videos you're speaking of have been in circulation for at least 2 yrs on the net and most people here and people on other boards can't help running into them especially on You Tube and other similar websites. Many people on many grey forums have seen those videos and reactions are terrible. You may go to You Tube just to look for a grey or other parrot who's dancing or talking and so many times the add-on videos on the right side contain those exact same videos you speak of so it's not unusual for one person to warn other people that the videos are graphic and disturbing. Some people won't even let their kids watch those videos. But anyway, thanks for your posting. It's appreciated. I just wanted to explain the situation in more detail.

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I understand. I just don't want people to see the other post and not bother to get the main point of what I said, which was to help the cause if you were interested in doing so.


The other part of my message was that since most people are shopping on-line for the holidays that they can give to this, or any of 41 other parrot organizations, and it won't cost anything on the igive site.


I just didn't want people to lose sight of my point which really has nothing to do with graphic videos, but one of helping if they can. I certainly didn't enjoy the video, but if I can prevent even 1 AG from going through that then it's worth it. That was the point of my post.


I hope that helps to clarify.

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My reply was not to put people off, it was to warn them that it was graphic and disturbing in my opinion. We have had many others post the same link, and many videos that are disturbing as well. I ALWAYS warn members about the content.

Lots of us here are willing to help, but would prefer to do it in such a way without having to watch that sort of abuse. As Dave said, those videos have been around, and helping financially can be done without witnessing the horror that is shown in a video. :(

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I respect your opinion, and in no way do I think that the video is pleasant to watch. I also appreciate that you wanted to post a warning; I probably should have done the same. However, you went beyond the disclaimer of the video being disturbing, and did say that you would "refuse to watch such horror." My point, and my only point, was that this organization is trying to make it so nobody has to see videos like this again, and I didn't want your comment to make people not look at anything else I said or not GOING TO THE WEBSITE AND SEEING WHAT THIS GROUP DOES. The website is informative, not graphic, unless you specifically click on the link that shows video footage.


This is why there are programs like "Whale Wars." Nobody likes to see slaughtered wales, but it gets the point across. Also, these people DO something, they just don't talk about how horrible it is.


I have no debate about the film. It's disgusting. However, the real question is has anybody gone to this site to see what they can do to help, as this practice still goes on? I know that Dante was hand raised, but somewhere in the past, and in order for him to be here today, at some point AG's he's related to were taken this way. It's a way of correcting that for me, and to honor Dante and all that he has given me. That is my point, and my only point.


The video is irrelevant to the bottom line, and a distraction to taking action to help wild AG's or to simply put this organization in to receive a donation if you are going to be holiday shopping on-line anyhow.





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Yes, I DO refuse to watch such horror. I won't watch any type of videos regarding any such type of abuse or torment for any animal. I do not wear rose colored glasses. I am perfectly aware that this type of thing goes on, not just for birds, but all animals that go back generations of our pets. I have seen videos of this type in the past, but at this point in my life, I have seen enough and refuse to watch any more. It won't help me to help these organizations, I do all I can to donate as my means allow.

Don't think that our members here live in a glass bubble and aren't aware that this type of violence towards birds doesn't exist. We are all aware of it. Posting a link towards an organization to save a pet is a wonderful thing to do. But your not the first member here that has felt a need to post a link in the hopes of enlightening us members that KNOW where our greys generations and generations ago have come to be in this world.

Please, let's move on and go back to the real reason you posted this thread. You seem to have made your point in sharing a link to a wonderful organization. I see no need to continue a debate about the you tube link that you posted.


As ADMIN, it is my job to monitor and post a warning, delete, and edit as I and the other admins see fit.


This organization seems to have a wonderful cause, so in the season of giving in these tough times, I am certain that we will do all we can. Thank you for sharing that link with us again. (it has been posted in the past by another member). B)

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Julie wrote:

I respect your opinion, and in no way do I think that the video is pleasant to watch. <Snip> However, the real question is has anybody gone to this site to see what they can do to help, as this practice still goes on?





Hello Julie,


Your reason for posting this Topic is commendable. I also, posted a link to this admirable sites organization and also purchased the DVD in support of them.


I did however warn all others on this forum that the video contained in regards Greys on that DVD is very disturbing, but true, and is a practice that needs to be stopped, by banning the import of Greys into other Countries. That is the only thing that will put capturing them in the Wild to an end, for making a living, by these destitute folks. They will find another way (Hopefully non-destructive) to keep themselves and their families fed. This organization is worldwide and does a ton of good for ALL Parrots.


I watched that DVD one time. I did need to stop it and take my Grey out of the room as he was obviously becoming upset at the site on a HD 55" inch screen with surround sound going, of the Greys being netted and screaming bloody murder.


Once I removed him I did watch the rest of the movie due to being very interested in how they perform this dastardly deed and how they move them out of country.


I have never watched that DVD again.


I do however, send monetary support to them, because they are a global organization that has an audience at high levels in all Countries and are heard in regards what damage is being done to many species that is placing many of them in jeopardy of becoming extinct in the wild in just a few short more years if the trapping is not banned.


It is a good cause and my hat is off to you for wanting to support it and promulgate the message and organization to others.


Just be a little more pre-informative and gentle to ease the "shock and awe" of a Parrot loving person going to a video link blindly and becoming disgusted and outraged.


I believe that is all anyone is saying here. :-)


Your not being attacked, just tutored by many experienced Parrot owners, that you must realize most saw those videos years ago and are painfully aware of what is taking place over there. :-)


How do you think it came about, that importing was banned here in the USA? It was due to the loud voices of Parrot owners and Avian lovers here demanding it!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/09 15:40

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Once again, I felt the warning that it was graphic was sufficient, and that birds or children shouldn't be in the room since it involves the trapping of Greys. Beyond that, to add that you would never watch that type of horror COULD prevent somebody from even reading what the organization does. People have a visceral reaction to that type of statement.


If I say that a video from an organization saving African elephants has graphic pictures of elephants being slaughtered and their tusks removed, that's sufficient information for any thinking person to determine for themselves whether or not they want to view it. If I then add, "Anybody who would lay eyes on this video is a sadist who must enjoy watching animals being tortured, and you couldn't pay me to watch this horror," there is a subliminal message that you are somehow better than somebody who would watch it (for whatever reason they might have), and people may tend to throw out the baby with the bath water and not even bother to look into what the organization does.


There's also a subliminal message that reflects negatively on the organization that somehow they are doing something wrong in making that video accessible for public viewing. If I had any idea that my post would have caused this debate, I would have simply just posted the link to the organization (which I really wish I had done). However, in hindsight, had my post not generated such a lively debate, my post may have ended up on the bottom of the page. So I guess, in a way, we've made sure that most people on this forum have seen this post. ;-)


I don't know how to make it any clearer than that. I'm happy to admit that I simply should have posted the link to the organization and not the video, if you could admit that possibly the disclaimer that it contained graphic material would have been sufficient.



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