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worried sick


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hi i am worried sick my parrots claws are a bit long and he wont go near anything like sand stone to get them down so i have gone ahead and booked him to have his nails cut at an avian vet tomorrow . he won't be handled so the lady said they will wrap him in a towel !!! i am soo worried that this will stress him out too much . has anyone any words of advise or reassurance he is about 26 /28 years old thanks .

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That's the proper and usual way that claws and wings are done at the vet. It may stress him out for a few hrs after getting home but that lasts a very short time ( a few hrs ). Other birds don't get stressed out at all. the important thing here is that your bird will direct his pissed off attitude towards the people who are handling him, not you. Many people who go to the vet are glad that the bird isn't angry with them. If he's a good vet, it should be over quickly.

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thank you dave have been so super stressed about this all day but it is a decent vet so he should be okay and it won't do him any harm to be checked over anyway . once again thank you am calming down slowly :)

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They do get stressed, most the time and as Dave said the anger is towards another, rather than you.


We just did our Greys for the first time last night using a Dremel at low speed. He did struggle and the hardest thing was to try and keep his Talons open. After about 5 minutes, he was tired, breathing hard from so much fighting to keep his legs pulled in and Talons closed that we stopped, but did have the offending needle point Talons tips knocked off.


He was the most loving Grey last....probably wondering "I don't know what I did, but I'll never do it again. I'll be good from now on?" :S


Mister Guru Dave - You got any tips on keeping the talons open? I certainly did not want to apply too much force in keeping legs and Talons open enough so I can dremel them. Didn't want any breaks in those delicate bones. :dry:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/08 21:19

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Just make sure that the vet uses a towel on you so you don't get nervous and have a heart attack. The vet has no nitro glycerine in the office and he isn't licensed to treat humans.

Seriously, stop worrying. The whole process is no big deal. Probably, right after the whole thing is done in the office, he'll hop onto your hand and just stare around the room. Then just take him home, give him some nuts and act as if nothing happened. I do that all the time in my house and none of them give me any trouble. Just a lot of squawking.

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Dan, use a stick --about 1/2 inch thick, maybe a little thicker depending how big Dayo's foot is and let him hold on to it. Each nail will be easy to lift from the stick while the rest of the foot stays around the stick. The stick won't allow him to squeeze his foot shut.



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Dave007 wrote:

Probably, right after the whole thing is done in the office, he'll hop onto your hand and just stare around the room.


god love him i wish he would come onto my hand he HATES hands don't know if something bad happened to him years ago . wish he could tell me :huh:


he's happy tonight tho whistling the macdonalds tune lol :cheer:

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Calm down Gus, he'll pick up on your jitters and get nervous too. You know I use to clip my pug's nails myself and she wouldn't come to me for a couple of days she was so mad. All I had to say was nails and she took off. So now I take her to the pet clip shop and she nips and barks (they think its funny) at them. When she is done, she luvs me to pieces because I saved her from them when I took her home.

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Don't Worry I just took Tyco in because I thought she was sick but she wasn't. I had her nails dremaled at the same time. She was a little pissed at me for a day or 2 but thats all. I thought taking her to the vet in the first place was going to really stress her out but she was as good as gold she stepped right up from my hand to the Drs. hand with out so much as thinking twice. I think she was actually enjoying her time out of the house and being with me we where out for about 4 or hours together because a had a few stops to make I took her in the different shops with me and we had a good time. she was so sweet that day. Then as soon as I get her home and back into her regular cage she didn't talk to me for 2 days. it was really quite funny how mad she was but I didn't dare laugh in front of her. MY daughter would go and talk to her and she would walk right up to her and put her head down for a scritch she only did this if I was there then if I walked up to the cage or play stand she would turn her back and walk away. It really was funny to watch her give me the cold shoulder. I had to ask her to forgive me and tell her how sorry I was for taking her out for a little bit of fun. and as soon as I apoligized she was fine again. They are just to smart for their own good. Its amazing what they understand.

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