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bath water loving grey?


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I was filling the water bowels up with water this am and gabby decided to jump in the water, she had made such a big mess, gurgling happily the whole time...it was so funny and she was having such a good time I couldn't cut her fun time short so I was late for work, anybody else have a water loving grey?

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Guest Monique

Oh Marir, that is hilarious!! {Feel-good-0002006E} I never have seen a bird jump into a bowl!!! I bring my Grey in the shower with me about 5 days a week. Otherwise the birds get misted each day. Funny thing Isaac the Grey is happy in the shower but he does not enjoy the misting.


Did you tell your boss the truth or what did you give for your excuse to be late for work? :)


Thanks for sharing!!

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Guest briansmum

i've tried introducing my grey to the misting bottle, a bowl of water and the shower and he wasn't remotly interested! does anyone know of anyways i canentice him to get wet?

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Hey all, Casper does the bathing in his waterbath thing every now and then - it's quite a deep water dish, and it always makes me laugh - the first hint that somethings going on is that it sounds like he's about to burst out of his cage. If I sneak into his room, he stands on the side of his water dish then paddles into it with his feet, gets back onto the side of the dish, then splashes the water all around with his beak.


Stupidly, I thought this meant he liked water, but other attempts to get him clean failed miserably (the miserable part being the parrot sqwauking as if someone was trying to kill him). I finally got tough with him - I got a shower perch, introduced him to the bath (first without water), and then afew visits later started up the shower. He'll now tolerate a shower, although he's still not entirely happy about it - but his feathers look fantastic, and he obviously doesn't hold it against me. - So beccy, just keep persevering - try a few different approaches, but if necessary, just go for it (gently)!



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Talon hates showers, & spray bottles. I did buy the spray mister for birds. I have to put her in her cage, and use that to mist her until she's very wet. She doesn't like it very much, but eventually she gives in and just sits there. :unsure:

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Guest briansmum

i tried misting Brian again last night, he was not impressed and kept opening his beak to the misting bottle as if to say "i love you mum but if you dont get that thing away from me i'm going to bite you both". i took him in the bathroom and introduced him to the shower again and the closer i moved him with my arm, the closer he moved up my arm to my shoulder *sigh* i keep telling him he's a silly dirty birdie! :laugh:

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From what I have read about greys in the wild they don't get all happy about rain like an amazon. They just sit there and take it.

That is how my Que does. She well let me mist her but just sort sits there. She doesn't run from it but does not get happy either.

She well take a bath in a small bowl. If I put a bowl in there big enough to really get her wet she wont have a thing to do with it. It has to be a small bowl. She'll hope in then hope out and run back up to the top of the cage then work her way down again hop in and run back up. lol It's like she dont want to get seen in the bowl.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had my new baby grey home 3 days now and he is around 14/15 weeks old, I just sat him on top of the shower door whilst I showered and then pulled him in with me he was a little nervous at first and flapped his wings and walked up my arm, but the third attempt of bringing him under the slow running shower he just sat there and seemed to enjoy it B)


I hope he grows to want to shower!

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Hey Judy (that's almost a Beatles song...),


I really struggled with the shower perch at first, but persevere! In the end I just forced the issue while whistling 'singing in the rain'! Although Caspers still not a natural bather, he doesn't really mind!



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Ponti loves a shower every morning. We mist her with a spray bottle, and she loves it. Her bad foot gives her a hard time staying on a perch, so we don't take her into the shower, and she won't bathe in a dish, but she loves her mist.


IN fact, now, when she wants a bath, she'll ask for it. she says, "Want a bath?" and then fluffs her feathers and makes a "psst psst psst" sound that is exactly like my spray bottle, and say stuff like, "ohhh, feels so gooood", or "get the belly!"


So we get the spray bottle out, open her door, and she stands right in the front and take a shower with us spraying her. When we tell her "get the belly!" she stands up tall and puffs her chest out, to let us get the front of her better. It's really cute.

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Guest briansmum

matt! i knew i recognised the name ponti! you have lots of videos of her on youtube, i have watched them all.. oooh we have a "celebrity grey" in our midst.

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haha I didn't know anybody from here had see them. That's cool. It's funny, I only did the first one on youtube, and my mom liked the idea so much that she taught herself how to use our digital camera and windows movie maker and went to town, and did the rest on her own. maybe one of these days I'll try getting a few more put up.

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  • 1 month later...

My Greys love showers, they go all nuts and flap around. No bath though, ecept for Lego after he's had his shower he takes a short dip in his water bowl. They come in the shower with me and I spray them with a spray bottly... it's hilarious. Lego was not this euberant before, but he leant form Tonka (who is very exuberant with everything he does...)


Here is a link about Greys and bathing, as well as some tips on teaching your Grey to bath. I found the first section (about then in the wild) quite interestin, as Tari mentioned they just sit there and let the water roll off them and move under the leaves when they've had enough.




Post edited by: eve, at: 2007/08/13 08:43<br><br>Post edited by: eve, at: 2007/08/13 08:43

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My Joshua loved baths AND showers until he was about two and then he stopped loving them. And there is nothing to be done about it. I have him sit on the shower rail every morning as I shower, and the steam suffices to help his condition.

However, as I've said elsewhere on this forum, AGs produce powder not oil to preen and baths are not actually necessary to their health or feather condition.

It is usually US who want them to have a bath because we want to keep dust levels down, or because they look cute when wet, but as AGs get older and start exerting their independence, forced bathing will not work.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/13 12:20

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I took Dayo in the Shower with me 3 days ago. I let him watch me shower from the above rail and of course he did receive a few little specs of water during this.


Then when I was done, I slowly moved him down to the shower floor and started diverting a very small amount of droplets to help ease Dayo into it and slowly increased.


He just stood and received the shower with no apparent like or dislike.


The next day, I placed a 9 inch baking tin with about an inch of water on the floor of his cage. Then about a half hour later he was in the baking tin splashing away.


I hope this will continue on his part, we'll see.


But, I do find Lidia's comments on not requiring bathing at all, very interesting.


I also find the article provided in the link and the rainfall averages of Africa's area that these CAGs populate interesting also. That is a huge amount of rain.


It's really too bad that there have not been much studies of these wonderful creatures in the wild. I am sure it would tell us tons that would explain the behaviour we see in these highly intelligent CAG's.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/13 15:18

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