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My 4mmonths old CAG screams when I'm around!


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Ive had my grey for 2 weeks now he is 4months old and he was quiet for the first couple of days but then he started screaming everytime i'am around him! when he hears my voice, when i enter the room, when i approach him even when im holding him, feeding him , playing with him, talking to him, the screaming doesnt end! When i cover him and isolate him in a room for a while he is quiet right away.


I've read many articles about screaming parrots but the case is always when you leave the room not the opposite.


He is not aggressive with me or anything he actually bonded with me but we r still building the trust.

he also refuses to shower i tried to get him near the shower and watch if he goes any closer to the water but he just moves away so i slowly tried to introduce him to it but he refused. I dont want to scare him off with it afraid that he might hate me.i also need help with showering him.


I try to be patient and talk to him, play with him but sometimes its really too much.


Is it because he is just a baby? is it just his way of communicating? how long is it gonna last?

What can i dooo?


Please help..


Thank you

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Four months is still very young. Don't try to rush things. Has he completely weened off of his baby formula? As in, did you continue to offer it to him until he refused it? Also has he had his first visit with an avian vet? I'm just trying to get an idea of your situation, so that we can offer you the right advice. At first glance it sounds as if he's just doing what babies do and crying to mom for food and/or attention. They tend to outgrow this stage fairly quickly, but it's also a time in their development that's very important to get right.

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We still didnt take him to the vet but will do soon as for the formula he has been weaned off of it 2 weeks before we got him so thats a month now but the guy at the pet store said that i can offer it again because maybe he is asking for it but i dont know if thats the right thing to do.

He's eating a seed mix and fruits i tried to offer him vegetables but he doesnt like it i tried broccoli,cauliflower , and carrots but he didnt eat it. As soon as he sees any grapes, yellow or red apples(no seeds), or pomegranate he gets very excited and wipes the entire bowl!

I also dont see him drinking much water i mean i dunno how much water do parrots drink.

Regarding his behavior in general he is getting used to me and my fiance and building the trust he slowly starting to sit up when i ask him to though sometimes he wants to get out of the cage on his own.


He doesnt show much interest in toys and loses interest very quickly but i noticed that the color yellow really catches his attention.


Im going to buy him a new bigger cage today along with some toys.



This is really such a great site i'm so glad that im getting replies and advice.

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Sounds like he is just young and this is such a short time to have him. You need to give him time to get settled into his new home. It's all new and scary to him.


Our female went through this screaming and she grew out of it. We also kept up with the hand feeding once a day and I think this helped her as well. She is one now and we still hand feed her once a day.


Don't force the shower, just try different things and try and make it fun. In one year I think our female has showered completely maybe 3 times. All the other times she just gets a little mist. She hated it and we will not force her. Only now is she starting to get excited about it and think it's fun. This weekend she go so excited she hopped right in the bowl and had a splash around and we misted her.

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Hi nhrh,


You have not had your baby that long and I agree with the others that everything is new and scary to him.

babies go through so much when we first bring them home, some have left the security of the breeder, others have left a breeder and already been to a store, different cages, people diet etc.


They all act differently,some will be very quiet for a few weeks, overs may be vocal. Hopefully your baby will grow out of this stage when he settles in his new enviroment.


At first I wondered if he could be hungry but he does sound like he is eating enough if he is eating his fruits. Try introducing new fruits and veg, offer these in different ways you will eventually find what he likes. If he is completely weaned and off his formula try offering some warm mashed food, most babies like this and like to be fed from a spoon.


Dont rush to get your baby into the shower,let him settle in first, mine prefer to be misted, try this with him he may prefer this and it will get him used to the water gently.


Does he have any toys in his cage? You mention you are going to buy some and a new cage, they like to be stimulated by toys and like to play.


Enjoy your new baby, it just takes a while for them to settle in thats all.

Dont hesitate to post if you have any more questions.



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He may well be screaming for his new "Mommy and Daddy" to feed him when he sees you. Regular food will not fill the need he may feel for a nice warm meal as though it had been regurgitated.


As Casper suggested, some warm baby food or other such consistency mashed up and warmed foods may just stop that screaming and pacify his need.


4 Months is still young and if you find he is wanting a feed, by all means give it to him atleast once a day.


He is not going to get much nutrition out of the fruits you describe and the are all filled with lots of water, so he will not need to drink tons of water to stay hydrated.


It sounds like you are taking all the right steps in caring for your new baby. :-)

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When ZZero first came home he was also weened but I read they liked warm bellies at bed time. I began to spoon feed him babyfood and we did it in the morning and evening this lasted about 2 weeks and he refused anymore. You said you didnt know if its the right thing to do it wont hurt your baby they will refuse eventually and I think it helps with bonding.


Dont push the shower just yet. The way I started misting,ZZero and I played peekabboo around his cage with the squirt bottle he thought it was so fun everytime I popped my head up I would mist him. With a spray bottle mist above his head let it fall gently on him dont squirt right at him.

Just Ideas that worked for me. Also toys you have to show him how to play with them ZZero really only loves his foot toys but now at 6 months hes has really liked the hanging ones but only to beat up for a few. He loses interest quik also just keep trying.

1 more idea... I play music and let him have loud times were we are both loud I think it helps get it out of his system :P

Cindy<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2008/12/08 16:38

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My baby grey turned 4 months on 12/6 I have had her for 9 days. Fortunately she eats everything. When I first brought her home she wanted me to handfeed everything to her. She was weaned 2 weeks before I brought her home and the breeder handled her babies all the time to socialize them. Perhaps your baby needs you to hand feed her some more and needs your attention. As for toys my grey only started to take real interest in them; beaks them and moves on. I feed my grey kiwi and grapes and apples, all of which have moisture in them. My grey always takes a drink when I give her fresh water and when I change her water there is always tell-tell bits of food or pellets in the water so I know she is drinking. I mist my grey, she doesn't always like it and right now is sitting on the top of her playtop mad at me because she didn't want to be misted. But she will forgive me, she always does. My baby calls me when I leave the room, if yours screams when you enter the room have you tried talking to him gently and offering him a treat or something else to distract him? I'm no expert and am just learning. But I do know, it all takes time. Only you can read your grey's body language and this will take time so relax but your luv and patient will eventually win out. Be patient and good luck.

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I really want to thank everyone for your support, you guys have been great and your advice really helped me!


Today I boiled some carrots and babycorn, put them in the mixer until they became very soft, added some oatmeal and hand fed him with a spoon and oooh myy godd he loved it and he was eating it desperatly as if he has been starving all this time which almost brought me to tears cause i wasnt feeding him right and i was really angry because the guy at the petshop didnt explain this to us.

After his meal he was quiet! and in a very good mood so you guys are right he wanted to be hand fed a nice warm meal and he was calling out to mommy to do it!

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I am so pleased that this has worked for your baby.

Try other things mashed as well!


Sweet potatoes are a good one, mine love these.


Have a look in the bird food room to give you some more ideas, you can always try some baby foods as well.


Please keep us updated, I am really happy that things have settled down.



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Im glad things worked out for you. The pet shop should really have informed you to feed your grey warm meals at least once a day until they have fully settled in.


Oatmeal mixed in with fruit/crushed pellets/babyfood etc also goes down really. See what he likes and go with that. As casper pointed out take a look at the food room which has lots of recipe ideas.

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I'm so glad your baby is all better now they are just like human babys when their needs are all met they are happy but when the want something they cry and its up to us mommy's to figure out what they need because they can't tell us all they can do is cry. Your a good mommy for trying todo all you could to help your baby and if that means asking for advise from more experienced parront then that what you do. and thats exactly what you did good for you keep it up and you'll have the best lttle companion anybody could ever want. I'd love to see some pics of your aby when you get a chance to post some I just love those baby dark eyes that just melt your heart like butter. The are so cute.

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