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grey biting my wife and loves me


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Probably not as a grey chooses who they bond with but you can allow her to be the one to give treats and such. Let her have some interaction time when you are not around for if he sees you he will only want to go to you. She can use treats to entice him to want to come to her and she can have a relationship with him but not like yours.


Yours is not the first one to have this problem, two people get a grey and it bonds with one and not the other, your grey may continue to only allow you to do certain things but he can learn that she is not a threat to you and your grey's relationship.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey.:)

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Judy is absolutely right; you don't get a choice in the matter. Just bear in mind that the worst thing your wife can do is to back off. Your grey may never be as close with her as he is with you, but that doesn't mean that they can't have their own relationship without the biting. She just has to keep working towards that goal.

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I doubt it. Mike and I had been living together a while before I brought Schroeder home. We both played with him, we both fed him, we both spoke to him. Schroeder hates Mike and will stalk him around the house to bite Mikes shoes when he is bored. We don't know why, but our very well socialized grey hates my husband. Schroeder will play with and cuddle with total strangers and most children, but NOT my husband. Good thing Mike has a healthy ego and his own bird. Birds are like people in that they like and dislike different people. I'd tell your wife to be patient, persistant and not take it personally. its been over a year and Schroeder is just now starting to be civil with Mike (and not every day). Every day for the past year Mike has read to, tried to give treats to and spent time near Schroeder... It is taking a long time, but maybe in the next epoch or so they will be able to be buds.

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I don't live with my husband but I do live with my 2 daughter's one is 21 and she does play an active roll in Tyco's life Tyco is my bird and she loves me but my daughter took it upon herself to give Tyco treats and to teach Tyco different things. she taught her how to dance a certian way and how to wave so she also has a relationship with her she hasn't tryed to step Tyco up but she does give her the odd little beak rub and scritch and Tyco now realizes she is not a threat in anyway to our relationship. Tuesday my Daughter moved out for a couple months and when she came home Tyyco was very happy to see her. So it is possible for your wife to have a relationship with your bird but she is going to have to take the time an activly get involved with you Grey in time your bird will realize she is no threat and that they also can be good friends.

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We had the same thing. When we got our first grey he hated my boyfriend and would bite him. He loved me, so I did back off and actually stopped giving our grey cuddles, treats etc. My boyfriend then did everything for our bird,cleaning, trainng and hand feeding once a day and this is where they bonded. Our grey gets affectionate after his formula, so I would stay away and finally our grey would want cuddles from my boyfriend.


Now they are friends and our grey flies to him everyday when he gets home from work. He can't do everything I can with our grey, but it is 100 times better.


Our female is also the same with me. I started to train her to step up, so she got used to being on my hand and learnt that only good things happen when she is with me. Over time she has come around, but doesn't let me really touch her. I think I have touched her maybe twice in a year. She is bonded to my boyfriend. Now I have this relationship with her that she tells me when she wants me which is fine with me. I can also play with her, by scrunching up paper and she rolls on to her back on the table and rips the paper. So I know she must trust me if she rolls on her back, but I just can't touch her.

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