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I am a very proud African Grey owner.I have a few small things she does that I would like answers to, so I am going to spend time in the FAQ. It's lovely to see so many people who love these beautiful birds.I hope to learn a lot more from all of you.

My parrots name is Kiki and she is two years old.I am from South Africa but now live in the UK.

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Hello Afrique and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Kiki.


You are allowed to ask all the questions you may have as we have a lot of knowledgeable members here who are more than willing to help you with your problems.


We have a lot of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do ask those questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Kiki you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Hello and welcome to both of you. This is a great place to find all kinds of information about greys and if you have specific questions, please feel free to ask them. Like the others said there are many knowledgable members here that are always willing to help. I am kind of curious as to what your questions are now:lol: Look forward to hearing more about you and Kiki.

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Not sure if I am posting this in the correct place but if anyone could help I would be very grateful.


We have recently moved house and I understand that it may unsettle Kiki, so I expected some change in her behaviour but she is acting rather odd. She climbs to the top of her cage and calls me (she has my partners name and mine and will ask where the other one is so seems to know who we are) she then looks like she is going to fly by ducking down and opening her wings.Then when I talk to her and approach her cage she comes down to her perch and turns around and around with her wings slightly open.It looks like she is agitated or she is doing some sort of 'mating' dance! She does vomit her seed all over me quite a lot so after reading your forum I now feel she loves me but I worry about this other behaviour. She was taught to 'turn around' when she wanted a treat but she doesn't seem to be doing it for that reason, as her wings are slightly open and she drops the treat and carries on with this little dance.

Also her beak has gotten very sharp and seems almost hook like, if you know what I mean. I have got her a perch that helps for her nails(claws) and yesterday I bought her a cuttlefish so will that help?

Sorry my post is so long but I want her to be happy,loved and comfortable. By the way does anybody else's bird blow raspberries, she seems to have been taught this charming little habit and thinks its funny to do it when ever strangers say 'Hello' to her?


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Hi Afrique, welcome here! Your grey sounds like a little charmer.

The little dance she is doing could just be because she is a little nervous or overly excited. They also do a little dance as a kind of courtship with those they love. She could be a little unsettled but try to keep her routine as normal as possible and give her lots of love and reassurance, she should settle down shortly.

As far as the beak goes, give her lots of wooden toys to chew on and shred, this should help the beak.

She probably gets a good reaction when she gives the raspberries, and she continues it because she knows you find it entertaining and she likes the reaction she is getting from you.

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My grey was 12 years old when I brought him home and I noticed he did a strange thing almost every day. He would climb up in the top corner of the cage and kind drop and flap his wings alittle and pace the corner back and forth. He could do this for 30 minutes straight, sometimes longer:ohmy: It was a very odd behavior and I didn't really like it. He quit doing that after about a month to 6 weeks. I think he was still unsure about his new house and not settled in but it stopped in time. Kiki just may not be comfortable yet in here new home and hopefully this behavior will stop in time.


My greys beak and nails were very pointy and painful and I had his nails trimmed. It was much better. I think I am going to have his beak trimmed soon so it's not so sharp.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/12/08 16:31

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