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Moved... and kinda scared


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ok. we moved a few days ago, and we are still not moved in all the way. lol. and ive been noticing something with skittles, when ever i walk in the room he cowers in the corner of his cage. idk if hes scared of me or still scared of moving. im trying to hand train him again but i havent been there in a long time so i cant really.


ill take any tips or anything. thank you all so very much for even reading this.

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If your fid isn't used to new places, then the new location is going to stress him quite a bit. All of the out of place objects won't help either. Add to that, you and your family are both stressed and excited, and your bird is going to pick up on that and react.


What I would do is to try and replicate his previous environment as well as you can. That not only includes his cage setup, room, and the placement of objects within the room, but also the schedule and your visible emotional state. Be his example and reassure him that all is well. You might also provide him with any of his favorite distractions.

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Conures are the type of bird that need to be totally left alone until different situations such as yours are totally completed. They're become very nervous and certain species of conures become very agitated. What's going on right now is typical of Sun, Jenday and Paatagonian conures. Contact with your bird should be casual. Hand training again should only start after the normalcy of a new house sets in. Yes, he's scared of moving and will be scared of you if you impose on him. If he has a certain spot that he's feeling safe in, just let him hang out there. It takes a while for certain conures to resettle into new surroundings. Certain conures who've been for sale in pet shops but wind up staying there for quite a while will also feel uncomfortable moving to a new owner's house. Whatever is his favorite treat/food, give him pl;enty of it and don't make him think he has to do something for it. Put it in his bowl. Talk to him alot. Sit near him frequently. If you're the only one that takes care of him and you go out alot such as school, it may take a bit longer for him to settle in. Now that he's in his new home, you need to quickly decide where his cage will be kept permanently and immediately put it there. Moving cages around constantly does'nt make for a happy conure.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/12/06 18:30

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