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How tough are these little chaps?


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Hi all,

Tizzy is now almost 20 weeks old and has been at home with us for almost 5 weeks now. He has settled in nicely and loves his environment. Constant wolf whistles for all our visitors and plenty of strange and funny sounds coming from his cage all the time. Now he has settled he loves climbing around his cage and hangs upside down with one leg? He loves doing this but we hold our breath when he does as quite often he will fall and end up at the bottom of his cage. Doesnt seem to bother him as he just gets up and makes the sound WOOOOOOOW with his whistle. I just wondered how tough they are as he doesnt half land with a thud but so far seems completely fine with it, ie doesnt shreek or look hurt? Still scares me when he falls though?

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Hiya Glenn,


I am so pleased to hear that Tizzy has settled in really well.


They are tough and it is something you will get used to.

My eldest grey is the worst culprit! He will hang by one talon swinging whilst holding something in his beak!


Try not to worry too much its their natural behaviour, they love fooling around and keeping you on your toes!


Try and get some pictures for us when Tizzy is playing, I would love to see some.


Great to hear from you.



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Hi Glenn my new baby at first was always flying/leaping to my hardwood floors, it scared the daylights out of me. The first couple of times I was sure she was broken. She is more confident now and things are less scary. Can't wait to see some pictures of Tizzy; she sounds like a wonderful addition to your family.

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I wouldn't worry about it. One of three things will happen:

1)Tizzy will realize it hurts and learn to be more careful

2) Tizzy won't care because it's all in a good day's fun.

3) Tizzy will get a bit slow from too many blows to the head and as a result, he will be much easier for us silly humans to comprehend. Though the other greys may laugh when you drop him off for school for being a cross eyes doofus with big lumps on his head and human friends...


My TAG has kept falling on his head multiple times a day in his agenda, and seems to be doing well, though he isn't the brightest bulb on the tree. Perhaps I am on to something with #3

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LOL Jen!! I love your "List" and theories. :-)


IN regards young, clumsy and falling, especially in the cage or on any hard floor surfaces. Please ensure there are towels or blankets in the bottom of the cage or around it where they may fall. The hard surfaces can cause damage versus a carpeted or towel/blanket cushioned fall will care the crap out of them, but they'll laugh and give the same amazing feet of daring again. This is how they do eventually become coordinated and very acrobatic....... all the better to quickly move and bite the Sh&T out of you before you can even blink. ;-)

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My TAG used to do this all the time when little and ended up breaking off all his tail feathers. It slowed him down a little because he wasn't able to fly properly until the tail grew back in. He never seriously hurt himself though. Now he loves to hang upside down from his toys and swing around but fortunately he's more graceful and doesn't fall!

I have heard of some birds breaking their keel bone from a fall so the towels might not be a bad idea, until he gets the hang of things.

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