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Hello Shazgeoff & Eddie and welcome to the forum. You have only had a short time and I bet you are still so excited about the new addition to your family. So, how old is Eddie? Is he/she still a baby or an older grey? It sounds like Eddie is settling in nicely if he loves his cuddles.


I have a dog and a cat and my cat didn't care at all when I brought my grey home. My dog was very jealous though and had to let him know he was still loved to.


Look forward to hearing more from you and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. There are many knowledgable grey owners on here ready and will to help out. Please check through the many threads here too. They are fill with tons of information.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/12/04 19:55

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Sallas, that's what my dog does:laugh: If I have one of my birds on me he get right next to me or on my lap, flip over on his back, put his nose under my hand so I will pet him. I thought the jealousy would stop but he is still very jealous. I really think he went through a depression for a good month in the beginning. He seemed so sad all the time:( He is still is jealous but not so depressed anymore, thank goodness.

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thanks for the welcome guys

Eddie is a young bird approx 13 weeks,his eyes are still dark. We got him from a breeder.

Will post pics of him when i can get them off my phone,having trouble with that one. Our camera sadly got stolen and we havnt had the chance to go get a new one.


My English bull terrier very jealous as she a mummies girl but also she cant believe i brought live food into the house :angry:


My avatar is of my yearling as she was then,we imported her from the states,she has won loads over here.


Eddie loves having his head rubbed,got lots of handling to do with him as he little nervous about going onto my hand but once he on my hand he very comfortable,he sulks when you have to put him back in cage and digs in the corner wanting out.

He is learning not to bite,seems to have taken a shine to me already.:laugh:

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Hi and welcome.Eddie sounds adorable and looks to be settling in nicely.I love your horse.I had a tb and an arab x tb years ago. Wish I still had horses but my two birds are the love of my life now.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/04 23:46

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I love the horse, too. Growing up my family had race horses and it was so exciting to go to the track and watch them run. When I got older I kept working on horse ranches with race horses for many years. I loved the life!! Those were the days and have so many great memories. I am now living in a big city and no more horses:( It was a big change but I like the city now.

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Hello Shazgeoff and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Eddie.


I can tell that Eddie, male or female, is going to be spoiled rotten in no time, I know mine is and I think everyone else here spoils theirs rotten to the core.


You are still in the honeymoon phase right now but Eddie should be getting a little more independent in the coming months and years, he/she may not be so cuddly and want to snuggle like he does right now but that is all part of the maturing process.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Eddie you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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